“Are you sure she’s gonna wake up?”
“Yes. Slendy said she would.”
“I heard she killed her father when she got home.”
“Sound familiar?”
At first, all I heard were people talking. One sounded like Toby, and another sounded like Amelia. The other two I didn’t know. My eyes fluttered open, and like I guessed, Toby and Amelia were sitting next to the bed I was lying in. There were three other people with their backs to me.
“She’s *twitch* awake,” Toby says, avoiding eye contact with me.
The three people turned around, and I recognised them immediately. It was Jeff the Killer with his arm around Izzy, and BENdrowned, his red eyes gleaming at me. “Where am I?” I croaked, my voice barely audible.
“At the Creepypasta mansion,” Jeff replies. That is the very first time I’ve ever heard him speak.
I looked over at Toby, who wasn’t even looking at me. “I’m sorry about what I said to you. I was just so upset...I didn’t mean it,” I say to him.
He actually looks up at me after I say that. “It’s *crack* fine. I know you *crack* didn’t mean it.”
“You knew I didn’t?” I asked, a bit surprised.
“Yeah,” Toby chuckled, “I can read *twitch* people like a book. Something I picked up from *crack* Sarah.”
“Speaking of Sarah… Where is she?” I asked.
“My sister? Oh, she’s in the library sulking,” Amelia said calmly.
Toby rolled his eyes at her, “You should be nicer *twitch* to her…”
“I’m the nicer one! Besides, you know how she can be when it comes to...” Amelia stopped when she saw the look in Toby’s eyes. “....relationships…” But it looks like she said it anyways.
“Wait a freaking second, YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!?!!” I exclaimed.
Toby winced, “Yes…?”
Izzy laughed, “You act like it’s something new.”
“Yeah… You know what? I’m going to check up on Hoodie…” Amelia said, backing out of the room. Toby sighs.
“She’s always checking on Hoodie. Sometimes I think that she’s into him,” He says sadly.
“It’s really obvious, huh?” Jeff said with a chuckle, “I kind of acted like that when I first saw Izzy.”
Izzy snuggled closer to Jeff, “Yep…” She sighed in content.
Suddenly, there was the sound of two toddlers squealing. Two toddlers wobbled in through the open door. One of them had smooth silver hair and blue eyes and the other had moppy brown hair and golden eyes. Izzy picked up the one that had brown hair and held him close while Jeff picked up the other one and held him gently.
“Hey little guy!” Izzy cooed to the toddler she held. He reached for her hair. “Would you mind holding Derrick, Tori?” Izzy asked me. “I need to put my hair up so he doesn’t grab at it.”
“O-Okay.. Of course…” I stuttered, holding Derrick while Izzy put up her hair. Once Izzy had her hair up, she took Derrick back from me. “What’s his name?” I asked, pointing to the other one.
“Oh, that’s Michael,” Izzy said, “Michael and Derrick are twins.”
“Oh, that makes sense since they look alike…” I said, looking down at my hands.
“Well,” Toby sighed, “I’m going to go train…”
“Okay,” Izzy smiled and patted Derrick on the back as he kept trying to reach for her hair.
Soon the sound of soft snores filled the room.
“I guess they decided they needed to go to sleep and to not stay up with you, Izzy,” Jeff whispered, including both his and one of Izzy’s sayings.
“Jeff, you’re such a ham…” Izzy giggled softly, “C’mon, let’s take the twins back to their room…” And with that, they left.
“I didn’t know Izzy had kids…” I said after about five minutes.
“She and Jeff are *crack* married,” Toby replied, “I do remember her saying *twitch* how she’s confused about how she and Jeff don’t *crack* have twenty kids already.”
I blushed at that remark, “S-So how old is Izzy?”
“About twenty, maybe? The twins are about two now…” Toby said, “And they already know how to fight and kill, thanks to Jeff.”
“They already know how to kill?!!” I asked, completely shocked.
“Yeah. I think Sarah, Amelia, and Victor all knew how to hunt and kill by the time they were five. Before, actually...”
Wow… I thought, So Sarah, Amelia, and Victor, who ever that is, could have snapped at any time… Who could do that to a kid?
“I know what you’re thinking,” Toby said. He surprisingly hasn’t been twitching that much. “How could someone train kids to kill? Very easily, actually. Although…” Toby spoke as he went closer to the window, “I don’t think Sarah nor Amelia have had a proper first kill… Oh wait, Sarah has… She killed Austin and Cammie. Keep forgetting that.” He chuckled at his own forgetfulness.
“Oh. Who was your first kill?” I wondered out loud.
Toby winced, as if he hated talking about it. “My….my f-father. He was an alcoholic… I blamed him for killing my s-sister and one night I just...killed him. I almost killed my mother also, but I ran instead of finishing her off. I loved her, and I couldn’t bear the thought of killing her.”
“I killed my father also…” I murmur. Toby looks up at me, a look of sorrow in his chocolate brown eyes.
“You did?”
I nod, tears pricking my eyes. “I ran home after...after I yelled at you, and he was there. In my house. I gave him a hug, thinking he loved me, and a voice in my head told me that he didn’t care. I turned to run, but he threw me back, a knife was in his hands. I knew then that he didn’t love me. I attacked him, took the knife, and killed him. I ran after that, into the woods, where I saw Slendy.”
“That’s when he killed you. He did the same to all of us, except for Sarah, Amelia, and Victor, because they were born CreepyPastas,” Toby says. “I’m sorry, Tori. But you don’t need to worry about not having a family. You have us Creepypastas.” He pulls me into a hug, even though I was still lying in a hospital bed.
He pulled away suddenly, surprising me. His face was bright red. “I-I’m sorry. I g-gotta go,” He stutters, then hurries out of the room. Now, it was just me and BEN. I’d forgotten he was even here. He smirks at me, red eyes gleaming.
“I heard your story. You’re not the only one who’s killed their father. There was Alex, Jade, Toby, Jack, a lot of us have killed our parents,” He says.
“What about you?” I couldn’t help but asking.
Rage fills BEN’s red eyes. “My father killed me by drowning me in a lake. I woke up, looking like this. I found my father in the living room, and he tried to shoot me, but it went through. I killed him after that.”
I was shaking my head in disbelief. I was literally talking to Creepypastas?! This was my life’s dream right here. But I was technically dead. I pulled the covers aside, and noticed that I was still wearing the black shirt and blood-stained jean shorts. My boots were removed and placed next to the bed, my necklace on the side table.
I slipped on my shoes and placed my necklace around my throat, saying; “I need to go.”
“No! You can’t leave! Not after what you’ve done!” BEN shouts, blocking my path.
I roll my eyes at him. “Out of the room, BEN. I’m not actually leaving.”
BEN’s face turns pink, and he steps out of my way. “O-oh. S-sorry.”
This time, I smirk at him and walk out of the hospital-like room. The mansion was huge, doors and hallways everywhere. Voices echoed from an open door, and me being curious, I walk inside. What I saw surprised me. Every Creepypasta I’ve come to love (except for BEN), standing in the room arguing.
“YES!!! WAFFLES!!” Toby was shouting, Hoodie and Masky holding him back. There was a box sitting on its side on a table, a pink string attached to it. As I moved around the chaos, I saw a plate of waffles in front of the box. I also noticed that there was a huge bear trap under the table, also with a pink string attached to it. Someone who looked a lot like Slendy was sitting behind a plant, holding the strings, nothing but a devilish grin on his face.
The real Slendy was “glaring” at him, his faceless features forming a frown. His tentacles were out, one was holding a frying pan. In one of his hands he held a watering bucket. I was trying really hard not to laugh, but was failing. “TOBY NO!!” Masky and Hoodie were shouting.
I rolled my eyes and looked around the room, seeing Amelia smiling at Hoodie. Jeff and Izzy were holding back Derrick and Michael, who seemed to want to join in on the struggle. I also noticed a figure in the back, a blue mask covering his face. Black blood was dripping from the eye holes, and I knew who it was. My favorite Creepypasta; Eyeless Jack.
Sarah suddenly ran into the room at a full sprint and tackled Toby to the ground. “NO WAFFLES FOR YOU!!!” She yelled. “Unless I give you them. Then they’re okay.” She nuzzled her face into his shoulder and swung her legs in the air like a child.
I then noticed the looks being exchanged between Amelia and Sarah, before realizing that they were doing a small competition. Probably to see which one could win their man first. What weird ones they are.
Angry-sounding footsteps filled the hall as a lean and tallish boy with longish charcoal hair came running through. His skin was pale like Sarah and Amelia’s. I then saw his eyes, or should I say eye. It was purple, like Amelia’s. And it was also glaring at Toby.
“Hands off my sister, you punk!” He growled as he lunged for Toby.
Sarah lifted her elbow up so it hit the new comer, apparently Sarah’s brother, in the chest, which caused him to slide back and almost hit the wall.
“Victor, my sweet little brother,” Sarah said in a light and airy tone, “You shouldn’t be cruel to Toby~. After all…” A devious smirk made its way onto Sarah’s face, “He is my boyfriend~!”
Victor growled, “He shouldn’t even touch you. Or look at you.” Victor blushed when he remembered what position Sarah and Toby were in, “AND HE SHOULDN’T BE HOLDING YOU LIKE THAT!!”
“Nah mate. We’re good, thanks,” Sarah giggled, sticking her tongue out at her brother.
I looked at Victor, “How old are you?” I asked.
“Fifteen,” He replied. “How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” I replied.
“Cool,” Victor replied. He quickly swept his hair back into a fringe style so it covered his left eye socket. “I really need to find my eye patch…” He muttered to himself.
“I think dad was getting you a new one,” Sarah said, still holding onto Toby, “Your old one was getting kinda ragged.”
“Okay, he could have at least told me--WAIT, how did he get it in the first place?!!” Victor demanded.
“I swiped it from your room while you were sleeping. You really need to change the lock on your door, by the way. It took me eight hair pins to open it…. And the lock kind of maybe broke… Sorry about that.” Sarah replied.
“You broke into my room?!! What the hell is wrong with you?!?!” Victor glared at Sarah.
“Hey, it’s a hobby of mine, ask Toby. I’m Sarah the Stalker, after all.” Sarah smirked.
“Why should I ask Toby…?” Victor asked.
Sarah blushed, “Never mind!”
“Actually, ask awa--” Sarah quickly put a hand over Toby’s mouth.
Derrick piped up, “Uncle Toby go boom boom!”
Michael giggled, “Auntie Sarah go boom boom!”
Izzy and Jeff looked at their babies with a surprised expression on their faces, “Where did you hear that?!?” Izzy then glared at BEN, who was looking in from the living room.
“WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING MY SONS?!!?” She growled, “Here, hold your nephew.” Izzy said to Liu, who had somehow appeared during the event. “BEN YOU’RE SO DEAD WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!!” Izzy screamed as she took off towards the living room.
“Go mommy!!” Michael and Derrick cheered.
“Kick his ass for me!!” Jeff shouted.
Liu rolled his green eyes at his brother, “And you wonder why they randomly say cuss words.” Derrick reached a hand up and traced Liu’s stitches. “Yes, yes, I have stitches. Thank your father for that.” Jeff looked over at Liu with a “Do you want some more?” look on his face.
Derrick giggled, taking his uncle seriously, “Thank you daddy for giving Uncle Liu stitches!”
Jeff sighed, “Yeah, yeah…”
“BEN! Don’t you want to stay up with me?” Izzy yelled with her sledge hammer in her hands as she ran up the stairs, probably heading to BEN’s room or the gaming room.
“You should probably stop her before she kills him,” Liu said to Jeff, trying to be the voice of reason.
Jeff chuckled, “You’re right… It’d be no fun if BEN died. Plus, Slendy’d kick Izzy out of the Mansion for killing another Pasta. Here, can you hold Michael as well, Liu?”
“It’d be no problem--OH YES IT WOULD BE!!” Liu was interrupted by Sully, “Sully, just shut up. And go get your wife, Jeff.” Liu replied, taking Michael into his arms.
Jeff pulled his hair back into a short pony tail, “I’m coming for ya, Izzy!!!” Jeff shouted as he ran up the stairs.
“How romantic?” Liu asked out loud, if not a bit sarcastic, “My once cold-hearted brother now has kids, a wife, and is now going after his said wife to stop her from killing a guy.”
“Very,” Sarah smirked, still holding onto the Toby, who was now excepting the fact that he couldn’t move.
“Extremely,” I said, a little sarcastically.
“So,” EJ spoke up, “Is there a reason why you’re still on top of Toby?” He asked Sarah.
“None other than to claim him as mine,” Sarah replied. Toby blushed at this, was probably wondering what he’d gotten himself into.
“So you’ve claimed him?” I asked with a giggle.
“Yep,” Sarah replied with a smirk.
“But how do others know?” I asked. Sarah rolled her eyes at me.
“By this,” Sarah pulled down his mouth guard and kissed him on the cheek. A black lipstick stain was now on his cheek. “I’m literally the only person here who wears this kind of lipstick. So they’ll know it was me.” Toby was practically a cherry at this point.
“Well then,” I said with a laugh.
Sarah held onto to Toby tighter and swung her legs in the air again, “Yep. So don’t touch him or you die, mkay?”
Soon enough, another person showed up. He was pretty tall, about six foot, and had charcoal colored hair, like Victor, but his was a bit lighter and was spiked. He had ash colored eyes that looked like they had flames reflecting in them. He stared at Sarah and Toby, before rolling his eyes.
“Well then,” He said, his voice was calm. He turned to face me, “Hi. I’m Ash. Ash the Arsonist. I’m a part of Sarah’s Proxy Unit. And a little note for future reference…” Ash spoke as he walked towards me. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Touch my flame thrower, matches, lighters, or ANYTHING, and I will personally burn you, or cook you, alive. Got it?” Ash leaned back with a sly smile. “So let’s be friends, okay?”
I shivered from his words and nodded slowly. “O-Of course, A-Ash!”
“Good. Sarah, get off of Toby. You’re making him blush. A lot,” Ash says, giving Sarah a hard stare.
“It’s actually not that bad…” Toby muttered.
Sarah blushed, before grinning at Ash, “See? He likes it~!”
Toby blushes again. “I-I guess I d-do…”
He then wraps his arms around Sarah, smiling. Sarah’s face lights up, and she hugs him back. For some weird reason, I felt jealous, and I turned away, leaving the room. I couldn’t bear staring at them “flirting” with each other anymore.
“Not very entertaining is it? Sarah and Toby,” I turned to see Jack stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him.
I shrugged. “I guess not.”
He laughs from behind his blue mask. “I never find them entertaining either.”
“So they do this all the time, then?”
“Kinda not really. I guess I could say that they do once Rogue is out of the room,” Jack replies.
“What’s the worst they’ve done with other people in the room?” I asked.
“Make out. Toby had some black lipstick stains on his neck. I think he still has some from last time.” Jack replied. “I think the last time was last night or something. Although I heard strange noises from the Proxy room.”
My eyes widened. “W-What?!?!”
“Yeah,” Jack said, “I wonder what they do when they’re alone…”
“Probably something Slendy won’t like,” I said. “I kinda wonder if they have…”
“BEN I SWEAR TO GOD!!!” Toby’s voice shouted.
BEN suddenly ran in here and grabbed my arm, “Tori!! Oh my God, you won’t believe this!!”
“Believe what?” I asked.
“That Toby and--” BEN was interrupted by an orange-handled hatchet and a black-handled pickaxe fly by his head.
“BEN!!” Sarah yelled before kicking him straight in the jugular.
BEN staggered backwards and growled. “I’LL MAKE YOU DROWN!!!”
“I’D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY, SHORT SHIT!!!” Sarah yelled at BEN. Sarah ran at BEN again when suddenly he glitched away. Sarah’s eyes widened as BEN glitched behind her and pushed her to the ground. Toby ticked angrily.
“GET OFF OF HER *angry crack* YOU PERV!!!” Toby swung at BEN, only for BEN to glitch away with Sarah. Toby then started spouting swears and ran out of the room.
Jack and I stood in silence. “Well that happened,” Jack says.
“So…. Wanna go get some food?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Jack replied, “I could use some kidneys. Mmmm… Kidneys….”
I laughed, “Yeah. And I could use some chocolate.”
“Nice.. Let’s go get some food, then.” Jack said, taking my hand.
“Okay….” I walked with Jack to the kitchen. As we got to the kitchen, we saw Hoodie eating cheesecake with Amelia.
“Hey Brian, you gotta a little something right there…” Amelia said as she leaned forward and wiped his cheek off with a napkin. She bit her lip before smirking, “And you have some right.. Here~!” She pecked him on the lips, causing both of them to blush.
EJ and I looked at each other before slowly turning around and walking out of the room. Suddenly there was a green flash in the living room and a thump noise. We looked to see that BEN had dropped Sarah on the ground. Footsteps rushed from the stairway before another thump was heard. We turned to see that Toby had jumped over the railing. He picked up Sarah and held her close before glaring at BEN.
“Leave us alone, glitch,” Toby said without twitching.
BEN rolled his eyes, “Yeah, whatever…” He then jumped back through the TV and didn’t come back out.
“What happened?” EJ asked.
Toby looked up, “BEN was running around with *twitch* Sarah. He really ticked me off. No pun in*crack*tended.”
Sarah stirred, “Yeah…. It was crazy.”
“You have no idea…” Toby chuckled before kissing her on the forehead.
EJ and I backed out of the room again. Couples. Couples everywhere.
“Welp,” EJ said, putting his hands behind his head, “Wanna go bug Slenderp to see if we can go on a mission?”
I shrugged, “Sure.”
So Jack and I made our way up to Slendy’s office. Soon enough we were in his office.
“What is it that you need, children?” He asked us.
“We would like to go on a mission, Slenderp,” Jack said, sticking his hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Don’t… call me… Slenderp…” Slendy seethed, before clearing his throat, “And I actually have a mission for you. That is, if you can handle it.”
“We can handle this, Slendy,” I said, my confidence was radiating from me.
“Okay then…” Slendy said, “You will need to go to my woods, the northern area, to take out Natisha and Jaye. They have ventured into these woods and have become lost. Get them out of there. Good luck.”
“You can count on us, sir!” I said with a grin. Jack and I walked out of the room and to our rooms to get our weapons. We then headed out into the woods to kill.