Murder. The one thing I never expected myself to do. And here I am, about to kill one more person. I’m also accompanied by a murderer. But if I had to tell the truth, I really didn’t mind Liu coming along. But there’s a slight problem with him coming; I’m not sure...but I’m quite positive I have….feelings for him. Oh shizz.
I pretend that I don’t, acting as though I go murder people every day. I failed. I failed miserably. I mean, I guess it’s pretty obvious I like him, but I think it’s too obvious. Shit. This is starting to sound like a diary.
“You okay?” Liu’s voice breaks me out of my trance.
“Y-yeah. Just...thinking,” I reply.
“About what?”
I know that I can’t tell him what I was really thinking about. “Killing Jaye. I know he deserves it, but I’m just not used to this.” I hated lying, but I really didn’t want him knowing the truth either.
“You’ll be fine. Trust me,” Liu assures me, but I didn’t believe him. He drapes his arm around my shoulders.
“Sure,” I mutter as we walk back towards Jaye’s house. Liu gives me a confused look, but doesn’t say anything. When we reach the house, I finally get a good look at it for the first time.
It was a mansion, obviously, but the white paint was faded and chipping off. The windows didn’t have curtains and the glass had several cracks. It looked like it’d been through hell. And who knows, maybe it has.
Liu and I walked right up to it and entered the mansion like we owned the place. There in the center of the hall sat a chair. In the chair, sat Jaye. The chair was set so that it was backwards. We walked up the chair and flipped it around.
Jaye was dead. Someone fucking beat me to it! His throat had been slit and his eyes were missing. He also had a hole in his sides… right where his kidneys would be… Then it hit me. Jack killed Jaye. But why??
I suddenly felt so livid; I felt as though I could kill anything. I stared at Jaye’s slightly mutilated body with disgust.
I suddenly grinned before cracking up with laughter, “I should go ahead and finish up the job…”
Liu stared at me, “T-Tori..? What are you…?”
I kicked Jaye’s body off the chair and lunged at it. My vision blurred as I repeatedly stabbed and mutilated Jaye’s body even further.
“TORI!” Liu grabbed my arms to pull me back, but I elbowed him. Instead, he wraps his arms around my waist and finally yanks me off of Jaye’s mutilated corpse.
“NO! I’M NOT FINISHED YET!!” I scream, but Liu doesn’t let me go.
“Stop! He’s dead enough!” He shouts. I eventually dropped my arms, the machetes slipping out of my hands and landing on the blood-splattered floor.
My shirt was covered in blood, and my already stained shorts were soaked. My black hair hung in my face, and I reached up to brush it away with blood-covered fingers. I broke out of Liu’s grasp and crumpled to the ground. I’m a monster, I’m a monster, I kept telling myself, which only made the situation worse.
“Tori? You alright?” Liu crouches down next to me, a concerned look on his stitched face.
I nod and shake my head repeatedly, not sure if I am alright or not. I eventually said, “I’m not okay, Liu. I can’t believe I just did that! I’m a monster!”
Liu seems taken aback by my response. “No you’re not, Tori. You’re just a normal Creepypasta. This is what we do..just not like this. Pretty much Sarah is the only one who does this. Well, and Kaitlyn.”
Once again, he pulls me into a hug. Wow, I’ve gotten a lot of hugs from him today. I guess that’s a good thing. “You're not a monster, Tori. You’re just… like me when I started out.”
I pulled away from him and looked at him, “What do you mean ‘when you started out’?”
Liu winced. “I… I was full of hatred towards Jeff… He killed our parents and tried to kill me. And to make it worse, he killed Jane’s family in front of her and tried to make her like him.” Liu explained.
“Oh my God,” I whispered, “Liu, I’m so, so sorry!”
“Don’t be,” Liu replied, “The past is in the past. Besides, I think we’re all a bit like that at the start… I mean, Sarah mutilated her ex’s body, LJ mutilated Isaac--”
“Who’s Isaac?” I asked.
“Isaac was LJ’s ‘owner’, well, more like the person he was created for and would develop, personality wise, as Isaac grew older… Isaac was pretty fucked up when he got older. Killed a woman and made a chair from her bones. LJ saw everything and thought it was a fun new game to play,” Liu chuckled, “Unfortunately for Isaac, he left LJ in his music box too long and once he got out, he made Isaac play the 'game' with him, resulting in Isaac’s death.”
I shuddered, “Creepy…”
“Eh, he had fun!” Liu joked. I stared at him. He coughed, “Anyways, let’s head back, okay?”
I nodded. “Okay, Liu.”
We reached the mansion and parted our ways. Liu went to his room and I went to the living room and started watching Ouran Highschool Host Club with Sarah and Toby. I was chilling on the couch while they were cuddling on the loveseat. Once again, I felt jealous.
Liu then walked into the room and had an unfamiliar girl with him. The girl had dark auburn hair tied up in a ponytail and deep crimson eyes. Admittedly, she looked similar to John. I smiled at Liu.
“Hey Liu!” I waved.
“So this is the new girl you told me about?” The new girl asked. Sarah looked up and saw Liu and the girl he was with.
“Hey Liu! Hey NikNugget!” Sarah said with a grin before breaking into a fit of laughter, “Did you give John ‘the talk’?”
“Yeah,” The girl said, “He and Clockwork got so flushed! It was hilarious!”
“Yep…” John mutters while walking into the room, Clockwork right behind him.
“So..what’s your name?” I ask the girl standing next to Liu.
She gives me a cold smile and replies, “Nikki. Nikki the Huntress. You’re Tori, right?” When I nod slowly, she adds, “Liu has told me about you.”
I looked at her confused, “He did?”
“Yes,” Nikki said, her tone sounded normal but I could sense an edge to it. Nikki turned to Sarah and her face instantly lit up. It was pretty clear that these two get along really well. “So Sarah… I was wondering if you would care to be my Head Bridesmaid? And Sasha’s Godmother.”
Sarah’s eyes widened before she grinned, “Bruh. Do you even have to ask?”
“And Toby,” Liu said, “Nikki and I think it’d also be pretty appropriate if you were Sasha’s godfather as well, since you and Sarah are dating. Also, it’d be cool if you’d be one of my groomsmen. You sadly won’t be best man since Jeff literally begged me to let me do it since he let me--well, forced me to--be best man for his and Izzy’s wedding.”
“I’d love *twitch* to, Liu,” Toby said with a grin. That’s when it hit me. Liu was dating Nikki. Scratch that. He was getting married to Nikki. And she was pregnant with his child!
“N-Nice… C-Congratulations!” I stuttered. I took a deep breath and stood up, “I-I need some air. See you guys l-later!” I quickly left before Sarah or anyone could say anything.
I ran out into the woods and hid so no one could find me. I started to cry. For the first time in forever, I ended up liking a guy who is going to get married and is going to be a father.
I sat down under the tree and tried to keep my sobs as quiet as possible. I heard footsteps approach me, so I climbed the tree and perched on one of the lower hanging branches.
“Tori!” A familiar-ish voice called out, “Tori! It’s me, Ash! Where are you, Tori? Everyone’s worried!” I looked down and saw Ash underneath me, searching around frantically.
I shifted to get down, when suddenly the branch gave out beneath me. “Gah!!” I cried as I came plummeting down.
Ash caught me with ease, albeit he got hit on the head with a falling branch. “You okay? You know you really shouldn’t be hanging out in trees…” Ash then cracked a smile, “Although, I guess you could say that you’re an angel because you fell from the sky.”
“Smooth,” I said, “Did you just call me Satan?”
Ash smiled, “Yes, yes I did.” I suddenly blushed, realizing how close our faces were.
Blush soon covered Ash’s face. “I’m sorry..” He mumbled before setting me back on the ground. “You… Uh… You fight good.”
“Um.. thank you?” I asked. Ash just gave me a thumbs up before his face turned serious.
“So… Uh… Tori..?” He cleared his throat before continuing, “I-I… God damn it… Why can’t I just say it?!” He swore under his breath. He shook his head, “I can’t say it.. But I kind of think this will speak more than words ever could…” Ash said before lightly putting his lips to mine.
I stiffened up before slowly kissing him back. Ash seemed surprised, but happy. We soon parted and he was smiling.
“So is that a yes?” He asked.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll be your girlfriend.” I said, smiling softly.
“Great!” Ash said, his grin seemingly getting bigger. He chuckled softly, “Didn’t think I’d get this far…”
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
Ash shuffled his feet awkwardly, his blush getting worse. “I kinda thought you’d go for Eyeless…”
I shook my head, “No. You’re pretty cool.”
Ash smiled, “You know, this is probably the happiest I’ve been since… ever.”
I looked up at him with a confused look on my face. Ash sighed.
“I’ve never really been much of a happy camper…” He ran a hand through his dark, ashen hair. “Kaitlyn, my cousin, was my only friend until we met Sarah. The three of us were unstoppable. Only getting time-outs when the teacher caught us selling legos on the playground.” Ash sighed and shook his head, “Then we met Austin, Zalgo’s precious little son, John and Nikki’s brother, and Sarah--” Ash stopped, “Wait, that’s not my story to tell.” He shook his head again, “Anyways, I did some stupid things that I regret deeply because of my emotions--or I guess lack of which...” Ash trailed off, lost in thought.
“What kind of things?” I asked, curiosity clear in my voice.
Ash shook his head, “Don’t worry about it.” He smiled at me. “Come on, let’s head back.”
I followed Ash, not wanting to push any further. I mean, he is my boyfriend now. He’s bound to tell me on his own accord. Soon enough, we arrived at the mansion. Ash waved goodbye and went to his room and I went to the living room. I plopped down on the couch and turned the TV on.
I changed the channel and found Fairy Tail. I started watching the characters go around with whatever problem had arisen. EJ suddenly came into the room and sat beside me.
“So what’s up?” He asked me. I looked over at him and smiled.
“Hi. So, my name is..[Dan],” I reply, using the hand gestures Danisnotonfire used in his first video. Sarah then ran into the room and held out her hand.
Toby then walked in the room and dragged her out by her scarf.
“Well that happened,” EJ said as he turned to face me. He had a serious aura around him. “Tori… I have something to tell you.. And ask you.” His tone was definitely super cereal.
“Why so serious, EJ?” I said, quoting the Joker from Batman.
“Because I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry for killing Jaye. I mean, I was supposed to anyways, and especially after what he did to you.” EJ lifted up his mask a little bit, revealing some bloosh. “It made me realize that I.. Well.. That I wanna know if you’re a volcano, because I lava you.”
I blushed before coughing awkwardly, “Uh… EJ, I’m sorry to break this to you, but…” I began to scoot away, but it was pointless, seeing that EJ scooted closer to me with every move I made.
Suddenly, Ash came running into the room with a Jerry can (gasoline can) and a box of matches. Ash snapped his fingers, getting EJ’s attention. EJ quickly pulled his mask back down. “Hey, EJ!” He then began to grin, “Come with me please!”
EJ clicked his tongue, signaling that he was rolling his eyes, if he had any because he is eyeless.
“What do you need?” EJ asked Ash as he walked over to him.
“Oh nothing.. Just wanna make some fried chicken.” Even I blinked at Ash.
“Fried chicken?” EJ scoffed, “I hate fried chicken. I only eat kidneys and sometimes eat meat that humans eat, remember?”
“Oh ho ho,” Ash said, handing me his box of matches. “But you’ll love these. C’mon let’s make ‘em outside so Slenderp doesn’t get his panties in a twist.”
I chuckled as I followed Ash and EJ outside. Then it hit me. Why was Ash using a gasoline can and matches to make fried chicken? I just shook it off. Maybe it’s a method Ash made up that works really well? Who knows.
We soon arrived at the place Ash wanted us to go (which was out back, not quite by the gardens). He had me stand near the garden, as away from EJ as possible.
“Where’s the stupid grill?” EJ asked.
“Don’t need one,” Ash grinned like the devil himself, “Not for what we’re making~!” Ash opened the gasoline can and set it down before grabbing my hand and pulling me close. “Careful who you flirt with, EJ.” Ash warned.
“Why do you care?” EJ spat, “It’s not like--” EJ stopped speaking when Ash kissed me on the cheek. EJ suddenly was seething with rage. “Why you--”
Ash let me go, grabbed the gasoline can, and threw the gasoline all over EJ. Ash took the box of matches from my hands and lit one, shouted “Welcome to EFC, home of the EYELESS FRIED CHICKEN!!” and threw a match on him (Kubz Scoutz reference, courtesy of Sarah the Stalker :3). EJ caught on fire.
He screamed in pain as he tried to put the fire out. Ash just laughed like a maniac, “That’s what you get for trying to mess with my girl!” Ash then picked me up bridal style and made a mad dash for the house.
Ash set me down on my feet once we were in the main hallway. Sarah came walking in with a grin on her face. “Did you just open up an EFC, Ash?”
“Yes,” He chuckled.
“Noice,” She said and gave him a high-five. “Anyways, I’m playing a game with Toby. If he asks, you didn’t see me, okay?”
“Okay,” I said with a shrug. Sarah must’ve heard Toby’s ticks, because she took the air vent cover off. “Peace!” She quickly climbed into the air vent and put the cover back on.
Toby soon came down the stairs, “I heard *twitch* her voice! She was here, yeah?” Ash nodded and I nudged him in the ribs.
“She went that way!” Ash said, pointing in the opposite direction, which happened to be out the front door.
“Ash! How dare you give her location away!” I hissed at him.
Toby just smiled, “Thanks guys!” He then ran out the door, “I’M COMING FOR *crack* YOU, SARAH!!”
Ash and I look at each other for a moment before bursting out with laughter. “I can’t believe he fell for it!” I say.
“I know right! That was hilarious! Along with the thing with EJ,” Ash laughs.
I sigh, “Yeah...haven’t I seen that in a video before?”
Ash looks at me questioningly. “Seen what?”
“The whole ‘cover someone with gasoline and flick a match on them because they flirted with your bae’ kinda thing,” I say. “Oh yeah, I think Sarah showed me a video by a youtuber she watches… Kubz Scoutz I think…”
Ash just laughs and shakes his head. “The kind of stuff Sarah gets you into…”
“Yeah,” I said, laughing, “She means well, though.”
“I know. I've known her since second grade!” Ash laughed.
We were silent for a moment before Ash spoke up again, “Wanna go out back? There’s a garden with a gazebo.”
“You know what? That would be nice,” I said. Ash smiled and took my hand in his.
“Then let’s go, Tori.” Ash said as he walked with me out the back door to the garden.
The garden was beautiful with a Victorian Era flair. Also, like Ash promised, there was a gazebo in the center of it all. I smiled to myself. I turned around and saw Ash had picked a white rose and was offering it to me.
“For the prettiest Torturer I know,” Ash said softly, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile. I blushed as I took the flower.
“This is so sweet…” I whispered, smelling the lovely scent.
“Heheh… Sarah said those were your favorite… So I kinda figured…” Ash trailed off. Suddenly, Sarah came barreling from the gazebo with Toby on her tail.
Sarah quickly got away into the mansion. Toby shook his head at Ash.
“She was pulling a Balloon Boy and was in the air vents. She also pulled a freaking Haruhi and Tamaki and hid under the gazebo, which was ironically the episode we were watching earlier,” Toby laughed almost crazily, “I’ve got a Stalker to catch~!”
Soon after Toby left, Ash and I burst into laughter.
“That was amazing!” I finally said after I stopped laughing.
“It was..” Ash said, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye. “Anyways,” Ash linked his elbow with mine, “I think we should just relax for a little while… Before Slenderp finds out I made some EFC.”
I laughed, “That’s probably a really good idea. Besides,” I said as we walked over to the gazebo and sat down, “We can talk about stuff.”
“True,” Ash said. We just sat there and talked and talked until Masky came and got us for dinner.