
  • 作者
    Alexander Stormsong
    Alexander Stormsong
    Author of the Fantasy series #Ravenlight.

    I am but a simple Dark Angel here for anarchy & chaos. Let's have fun with this ride we call life~

    AroAce Creator

    My Links- https://linktr.ee/AStormsong
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Wings of Freedom: Prologue
PG-13 已完結

Life on Genesys was as it was for any other planet in its prime, prosperous. Society after countless wars over religion, philosophy, resources, revenge, et cetera... had come together in the name of peace. For thousands of years, this peace stood strong, all until the cataclysm. The Year, now known as 0 of the new calendar, a meteor of unknown size and origin struck the planet, and tore it asunder. Dust and storms blocked the light of Genesys's Mother Star for years, causing an extinction of much of the life on the world. The impact left a scar the size of a small country on the Southern Pole, though that was not all it did.

In the coming months it became evident that the impact had disrupted the Astral Forces of the planet, tearing its Celestial Energy in half. The outcome had robbed the planet of its life force and severely wounded it though that was not all. Portals began to appear, portals to the planet's other half... a darker half full of demons, monsters, and unknown evils. In no time at all these dark forces began to war and invade Genesys, driving humanity itself to near extinction. All had appeared lost until the arrival of two organizations, Light Tech Industries and the Revelations Project. Together under the name of the Holy Empire, they combated this darkness that threatened their world. While the war was not truly won, it gave humanity the chance to recover at long last.

Society rebuilt itself through famine and evil though quickly found itself against other problems, corruption. Many a person sought what the Holy Empire had brought, thus they began to start wars with more than the dark realm. For centuries this had remained the norm until finally all the kingdoms settled following much bloodshed. The Holy Kingdom remains atop the world, using its Revelations Project and highly skilled soldiers to maintain the peace; though for how much longer can this last?

Link to full cover: https://www.deviantart.com/frosted-sapphire/art/Wings-of-Freedom-Vol-1-Cover-818110409