
NaNoWriMo Prep
NaNoWriMo Prep
會員 (94)
And it starts...
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
NaNoWriMo kicks off in a few hours! :D I am super excited to get started tonight at midnight! I want to wish everyone good luck :D

There are many different options to how to go about with your number count throughout the month. You can write a certain amount of words each day as a goal. This makes the massive number of 50,000 not seem so large. But, I have learned from experience that near the end of the month, this gets extremely difficult. Some days you don't hit your mark and all those words you missed add up near the end.

I like to start strong. I write as many words I can in each sitting. This way I have a large head start on the month and my daily word count is lowered. :D  

I am beyond excited to read everyone's story! :D My fingers are itching to start typing... finding distractions for the next few hours is proving difficult.
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
I like to write as much as I can in one day too. I am gleefully anticipating the start!
Frances8 年前
YAY!!! so ready to get this show on the road! I like to do a specific word count in a day. I crank out 2000 words. If i do more, awesome. but I have to do atleast 2000. If you are like me and get distracted easily and want to just crank out a scene, a good resource is this program,


seriously amazing. you can write right on the site for a trial run, I do it regularly if I am wanting to stay focused. If you stop writing for a certain period of time, your screen will flash red and a really annoying sound will start. Its helped me a lot.
Stefani Michelle
Stefani Michelle8 年前
lmao I like the idea of my computer yelling at me if my fingers stop typing. Maybe like a shock or something would motive me too.
Frances8 年前
@Stefani Michelle, its awesome!! you don't stop because you can't stand the sound but then you get so into the writing, you forget about the threat of it
Nicole Armas
Nicole Armas8 年前
That seems like a really awesome tool to use
Alef Magnus
Alef Magnus8 年前
This is helpful dear lord
Frances8 年前
@Alef Magnus, told you!! It's amazing!
Andrew Knight
Andrew Knight8 年前
NaNo recommends 1667 words a day to reach 50,000 in 30 days! Personally, I like to write like mad and see where I'm at by the end of November.... last time I completed, I was near 70,000 at the end of the month! YOU CAN DO IT!!
shnuffeluv8 年前
Eep! I'm at 8,642 words already! That's probably more than I wrote the second half of last year when I got really bad writer's block! How is this possible?! What am I doing right this year?!?! I didn't sell my soul in my sleep for good writing skills again, did I?!
re.paige8 年前
I already have 5k in a day and a half. Unfortunately, I can't write as much as I'd like, because I'm trying to sleep off a cold. (So I rest 16 hours a day, or so).