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Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
MEMBERS (1374)
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Beta Readers for Hire
BML19979 years ago

Name: Britt

Will Beta: most things except those I list I won't, including some fan fictions (Penguins of Madagascar, Sherlock, X Files, ) but if I haven't seen the show/read the book it's based on I might not be the best beta for you.

Will Not Beta: I will not beta horrors, anything rated adult, anything super sexual,  and I'd prefer to not beta fan fictions from shows I don't know, and actually I'd prefer really to not beta poetry

Preferred Form of Communication: Penana PM, please, or via fiction press if you're on that

Preffered Form of Beta-ing: well, on this site I'm not sure yet, so any way sent I suppose will be fine with me until I've decided.

Time frame: I have no clue. I'm usually quick to look over and reply to things asap, with school and etc kept in mind

Bio: I spend most of my free time writing or reading or researching for my writing. I've betaed a lot for my best friend over the years and I've betaed quite a few on Fanfiction. Most of what I have written to this point is Penguins of Madagascar Fanfiction, but I am also currently writing a novel that's about half way done. I am really good at grammar, punctuation, phrasing, etc. I have a tendicy to be a "little" impatient so I translate that over to why I always reply asap since more people are at least a little bit. If I see an issue, I'll tell you about it probably the most gentle way I can. I'll he honest, but I'm not too brutal. I'm socially awkward and often times kind of naive about certain things "normal" people do.

All in all, I hope I can be of some help.
Mr. Ducky
Mr. Ducky9 years ago
I'll help out.
Name: Ducky

Will Beta: all excepting below. All ratings.

Will Not Beta: Poetry.

Communication Preference: Penana PM.

Beta method: I'll just look it over on Penana.

Time frame: Usually about twice the time it takes to read the document(s).  A little longer if the document is riddled with mistakes. That's okay though, I like a challenge.

Bio: I like to write during my free time, but only about one day a week.  I haven't beta-ed recently, but I do know a bit about grammar. Commas are my enemies, usually one out of five of the commas that make it into my story are unnecessary, but that's because I write the way I speak. I know where they are supposed to be though. I can also help people out with writing blocks, I love contributing to stories to help out writers, I've done this on occasion. I am, by default, a shy person, so it's hard for me to balance more than one conversation and meet new people. But I still hope I can help a lot of people. (doesn't make much sense does it?)
BattyCrash9 years ago
Will Beta: any genre but those below. I will beta pG-13, but it depends. I prefer PG and below.
Will Not Beta: R, poetry(not a poet... can't show it! XD), horror. I WILL NOT EVEN BETA HORROR AS A SUB-GENRE. I LIKE SLEEP.
Preferred Form of Communication: Penana PMing
Preferred Form of Beta-ing: Penana. Let's keep it all on the site, a'ight?
Time Frame: I can read about a minute or 2 faster than the suggested reading time. It really depends on the story. I like to read it once, then skim for things I noticed and want to check, and then it takes 5-20 minutes depending on mistakes!
Bio: I've been writing for a while, and I am a HUGE grammar Nazi(no offense intended)! I cannot do spelling. Nu-uh. But I am good with plot points/twists/cliffhangers and other plot techniques. :)
Fearless Writer
Fearless Writer9 years ago
Name: Theatre
Will Beta: Basically anything. I don't really care about genres or age ratings.
Will Not Beta: Fanfiction unless it is TFIOS, Divergent, or If I Stay.
Perferred Form of Communication: Penana PMing
Perferred Form of Beta-ing: For now anything will work, but preferably on Penana.
Time Frame: It will take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for one chapter, depending on the amount of mistakes. I will only be able to do one, possibly two chapters a day, depending on how late I start and what I have going on in my personal life.

Bio: So I mostly am on at night, I might go on during the day if I have free time, which is rare for me. I only really use my iPod when I'm on here, I only use my laptop if I'm on during the day, so excuse any spelling mistakes. I am good with finding spelling and grammar errors, and I tend to, as my English teacher puts it, "write long" so be prepared. I will give suggestion for things I think could make a story/poem better, so normally I will do two sections. First I will go through with spelling and grammar, then I will find other things. I have previous editing experience from Wattpad and FictionPress.
Ari Finn
Ari Finn9 years ago
Name: Ari

Will Beta: All ratings and genres except for those listed below.

Will Not Beta: Fanfiction, poetry, and I would really rather not beta anything smut related.

Preferred Form of Communication: Penana PM

Preferred Form of Beta-ing: Penana

Time Frame: It really depends on my schedule but unless something comes up or the piece is ridiculously long, I should be able to do it within 2-4 days.

Bio: Nearly everything I know about writing, I taught myself by reading. I'm really good at grammar and spelling, and I can usually pick out story inconsistencies or flaws. I usually read through a piece two or three times to be sure everything is as good as it can be (unless it's my own writing, in which case, there are an over-abundance of mistakes.) Hopefully I can help someone out. :)
Faithios9 years ago
Name: Faithios

Will Beta: Any genre except those listed below.

Will Not Beta: Romance, slash/femslash.

Preferred Form of Communication: Private messaging.

Preferred Form of Beta-ing: Just here on Penana.

Time Frame: Late afternoon or late at night (Eastern Time) due to school and other things, plus I may occasionally be away from my computer for a couple of days on family trips.

Bio: I've always enjoyed writing (unless it was for school), and I've made several attempts at it but it always seems to go unnoticed. As for reading, I like stories where things actually happen; romance has never done much for me at all, and it's hard for me to Beta something I'm not interested in. I try to say at least one positive thing when I Beta, but if the story is just chock full of errors, I may be a little more blunt with you. I hope I can be of assistance. ^^
SushiPrincess9 years ago

Name: You can call me Princess or Lovely, whatever you prefer. I don't really have a preferance because I'm called different things on different sites.

Will beta: I will do mostly anything, may it be fanfiction or fiction, femslash or slash or het, romance, horror, adventure, etc. I'm very welcome to the slash fanfiction area, especially Harry Potter, and Merlin. Recently Queer as Folk, and a big fan of Doctor Who, Percy Jackson and all of the major shows/movies/books. I also do most anime/manga. For example, Shugo Chara, Kuroko no Basuke, AKB0048 and many more. I can beta for anything really, but I will be able to beta it more properly if I know the show/book/movie, so ask me if I know it. Obviously, I can't list every single one I know. I will beta all genres and ratings, so don't worry about that.

Will not beta: I won't beta any poetry if I can help it, but I can manage. I will not, for any reason, beta your story if you don't know for a fact that you are going to finish your story. It is fine if your real life problems are getting in your way, but I would prefer to beta a soon-to-be finished story. Of course, if it is a one-shot that is a different case.

Form of communication: It really is up to you, but I would check it much more frecuently if it was PMing on penana.

Form of beta'ing: I would rather use the Penana form.

Time frame: I am generally very fast at correcting unless I give a reason why I took longer, but on the high end, I take one or two hours after I read the message to correct a decent-sized chapter. It might take me, from your perspective, two or three days, more if I have plans.

Strengths: Some of the things I'm good at is finding plot errors, the nitty gritty things, dialogue, where to add more, what to take out, places where the scene needs to speed up or slow down.

Weakness: I'm fine with spelling and whatnot, but I haven't majored in English or anything, so I wouldn't call that my greatest point.

Bio: I love to read and I love to write. They are essencially my life. All I do is read and write fanfiction. I do not want to beta for a close-minded, religiously pushy, homophobic, racist and/or sexist person, so keep that in mind. Besides that, I am, as Iike to think of myself as, enthusiastic and happy person. I will want to have a dedicated author who will take most of my sugestions into consideration and for those sugestions that you have not, I want to know what and why, so I won't make the same one in the future.

I hope you consider me as your beta,
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
Will Beta:anything but those listed below
Will not Beta:Fanfiction for fandoms I don't know, simply because I wouldn't be able to help you as well as I could.
Forms of Communication: pm
Forms of beta'ing:up to you-email, penana system, gmail
Time Frame: It depends on length, amount of errors and what is going on in my personal life at the time. If nothing is going on then I can finish a chapter in a couple hours, but if I have plans, or things come up then it may take two or three days.
Bio: I've been writing since I was a child, and have posted on various websites. I have done beta work on fanfiction.net, fictionpress.com, and various other websites, as well as doing beta work for friends. If you are pushy, sexist, religiously pushy or obnoxious then I have the right to refuse to beta your work. I'm good with structure, grammar, and spelling. I'm usually easy to get along with, and if you don't agree with one of my suggestions, let me know and I will gladly discuss it with you. I'm easy to get along with though I can be blunt at times.
TheHeartless9 years ago
Name: frustrations

Will Beta: Basically, most of the genres on Fiction. I, however, specialize on Romance, Tragedy, Horror, Drama, its related genres, and Poetry. We could discuss everything over virtual cookies and tea.

Will Not Beta: fanfiction, slash/femslash, smut, and other hardcore display of sexual acts. But, if the story needs it and it, in turn, interests me as a beta and as a reader then, why not?

Preferred Form of Communication: PM me here on Penana or on FictionPress

Preferred Form of Beta-ing: Penana or FictionPress

Time Frame: It depends on the number of story/ies, the length of the story/ies, the number of corrections, the availability of myself from my college life and other personal commitments, and the demand/request of the author. We could always compromise and meet halfway.

Bio: I know that I only have less than five stories but don't let that fool you. I started writing when I was 11 on my school's annual paper. I am not an English major but I was in an arts curriculum, specializing in Creative Writing when I was in high school. I also was in my uni's annual magazine until 2013 when it was discontinued. I am a pretty decent writer but I'll leave that to you after reading my works haha. I'm strong in spotting spellings, grammar, and thought construction errors; but, I'm weak at spotting plot loopholes due to my forgetfulness. I am willing to work on authors that are never close-minded; authors that are willing to be corrected; authors that has their imagination stretched into unimaginable distances; authors who knows how to freely express their inner desires; and, authors that are willing to help me and grow together - we are, after all, writers before editors. Just a piece of advice or two: I'm basically an impatient person; and, I don't connect to the internet 24/7.

Hoping to discuss with you over virtual cookies and tea,
Aretice N. Treader
Aretice N. Treader9 years ago
Name: Aretice N. Treader

Will Beta: Almost all fiction rated T or below. (I'm using fictionratings.com like FictionPress.)

Will Not Beta: Anything that I know nothing about or smut of any kind.

Preferred Form of Communication: Penana PM, FictionPress PM, email, or some other way within reason. I try to be flexible.

Preferred Form of Beta-ing: Google Docs, FictionPress, email, or, again, some other way within reason. Please let me know in the first message, so I can help you as soon as possible! Thanks!

Time Frame: A couple days, most likely less. I try to be quick, but I also want to make sure that I analyze your work thoroughly.

Bio: I think I do fairly well on the grammar and spelling front, though I do make many, many mistakes. I love to invest myself in the characters, so I may focus on them and their development more than the rest of the story. I am rather nit-picky, and I'll do my best to be honest with my critiques without being brutally so.

I love reading and writing, but I'm also young and inexperienced, as in I have not graduated high school yet. However, I have been reading since I was three years old and writing around that time also. I was also published when I was in fourth grade, but I must admit that it was just a short poem.

I will always be looking to help you improve should you choose me as your betareader.
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