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Science Fiction/Fantasy writers
Science Fiction/Fantasy writers
Video games for inspiration?
SarahWeaver67 years ago
Anyone else previously come from a game design and story writing background, before hopping on to writing short stories, novels, and poetry?

A lot of the science fiction and fantasy that influenced me came from: Final Fantasy, Star Ocean, Grandia, Arc The Lad, Xenogears, and other JRPGs. I recently also got into playing Roguelikes.

So initially a lot of my writing carried over from some of the video games I played, as I tried to apply them in RPG Maker. Then it later evolved in its own right to stand on its own. Until eventually morphing from the Silent Hill/Grandia cross over I was used to into writing more literary leaning Science fantasy thought pieces.

How about you?
The Virtual Shadow
The Virtual Shadow7 years ago
The thing is i want to be a game designer because of my hobby for video games. It gave me an improved imagination because of all the different worlds and genres they have, which lead to me trying my own ideas and now after several years, developed into something bigger.

Now i want to try story writing, as i feel i could make a good story for people and sharing my long time stories as well. And hopefully get them published as well.

Long story short: Video games helped shaped my imagination very well.
SarahWeaver67 years ago
Yea I found the same thing as well. What kind of games you want to develop? I do semi-rouge-likes with semi-permanent death.When I did RPG Maker, I found adjusting to prose and linear narration strange. And yet now it's strange going back into game development. Having to unlearn certain habits.
The Virtual Shadow
The Virtual Shadow7 years ago
I focus on single player story telling. Also co-op can work. I want to be more of a game writer rather then the programmer honestly.
Ramsus4 years ago
I couldn't agree with you more. Outside influences definitely affect our thinking in more ways than one. I am not as in tune with video games, but I can definitely say that my novel-in-progress "There Will Be Blood" gets outside influence from an array of anime. Yes, I am a weeaboo and proud. Many cynical animes such as "Code Geass", "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "No Game No Life", and a more horrific example "Another" affect my writing wholeheartedly. I could not write without an outside inspiration to give me ideas and spark creativity.
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