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Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
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Anyone Need A Beta-Reader?
Stormie Dawn
Stormie Dawn8 years ago
I also can help critique, more than just a 'good job' comment every chapter. I also keep an eye out for character consistency, paragraph structure, as well as what works with the story and what doesn't. I'm no grammar-nazi, but when you are writing, grammar comes after the story's finished. I'm here to help you with anything you need in a beta-reader.

Contact me either here or messenger me personally. Thanks, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
LexiMeghanChase8 years ago
I would love a beta reader! ESPECIALLY in the character development department and inconsistency. :D And the rest too, of course! :D I've written the first draft of my novel already and am editing it for the second draft. :)
Anne Wink
Anne Wink8 years ago
I would also love a beta reader! :)
KnightOfTheRebellion8 years ago
could someone beta my story "Clueless"
Shay Nioum
Shay Nioum8 years ago
Hello, I am in desperate need for a beta in my series of one-shots. Someone has commented on the grammar that needs fixing, if you want to; and this is entirely up to you, could you please check out the story Tales From The Other World. But like I said if you don't want to that is completely ok.
MousyCh8 years ago
I'd love some help please. It would mean the world if you could give Fallen (whichever you want) a look whenever you are free. I want to publish it one day and I need it to be clear clean.
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