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The Co-Write Setup
The Co-Write Setup
Given up on Collaboration
mandideman8 years ago
I have given up on the idea of collaborating on my myth/fantasy story. I however have another project I would love to see the light of day. Originally me and two of my best friends had come up with a story called Mocha Talks. About a fictitous coffee house in New Orleans, Louisiana. Each chapter would be from one of the three characters pov and some chapters where all three women meet up to discuss their lives, etc at Mocha Talks. The idea came to us and it was going to sort of be semi-true to life but the other two women moved on and I moved home to Europe.  Is there 2 female Penana writers who would work on this with me.  It's a contemporary piece, and your character can be written however you wish... Only constraints... Your character is best friends with the other two main characters and you meet up at the coffee house for Mocha talking.  ?

Please respond here or private message. This is one project I think others would enjoy immensely.
re.paige8 years ago
Can you elaborate when you say 'semi-true to life'?
mandideman8 years ago
We were going to base our characters on our own personalities. Example;  one best friend was legally blind;  .visually impaired. Myself? In the story I was an apprentice archaeologist.Which I was till my health took it's toll on my body. My third friend was a graphic artist but specialized in web pages.

We intended it to be a look at three different totally different women in a richly diverse and cultural city. I however want whoever the other 2 writers are to decide their characters and traits, etc.
Even plot points can be adapted to the writers; meaning because New Orleans is famous for the supernatural as well. Ghosts maybe? Just throwing out ideas but the main idea stays... The three show up at the fictitous coffee house for their talks about their lives.
re.paige8 years ago
I'm not overly familiar with the location, but the concept interests me.
mandideman8 years ago
If you would like, via email I can send you personal photos of the city and what it looks like. Also Wikipedia would have invaluable information about history but to give you a VISUAL representation... I can do that. I can also tell you true and accurate descriptions and account of Hurricans Katrina and Rita; 2 Category 5 hurricanes to hit the Louisiana coast in 2005...2 weeks a part. Also the legend of two different voodoo priestesses;  1 being Marie Laveau and the supposed curse of Julia Brown in Manchac Swamp,  just outside of New Orleans


To give a visual idea.

? it's not all spooky there is Mardi Gras every year and almost every day there is a festival.
mandideman8 years ago
Also another thing about this story;  each character will have their own story going on within the main story. Make sense?
re.paige8 years ago
Yeah. Sounds pretty cool to me. Based on my own life, I can give in depth perspectives of dealing with difficult topics like relationships, mental illness, grief, etc
mandideman8 years ago
I too have some similar things. Like I said... Modern times...regular life, PG or PG-13. I have someone else interested but we needed a third. Can I set up the story and add you two and we begin brain storming?
re.paige8 years ago
@mandideman, sure. I can avoid any really hard or dark topics.
mandideman8 years ago
@re.paige, I will set it up for later today. It's 9:20 am here (Central European Time). Please remember that your character is you/yours and writing her is straight forward. If you feel like writing dark situations; we will weave our characters together in the coffee house, mocha Talks
re.paige8 years ago
@mandideman, well let me know.
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