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The Co-Write Setup
The Co-Write Setup
co-writer for story idea
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
So I'm looking for a co-writer for a story idea.  Most be able to realize college schedule will affect my ability to write.

Title:At Rainbow's End
Basic Plot idea:they say their magic at the end of the rainbow, and the last house on rainbow lane is no exception. The girl in the wheelchair knew this, and knew its magic would help her walk again. It may not be magic like in stories, but 1832 Rainbow Lane was a house where miracles happened
Rating:pg? Pg13? Negotiatable.

If anyone is interested, let me know. Thanks
Bluemoon Scriptor
Bluemoon Scriptor9 years ago
I'd love to co-write! I understand where you're coming from, tafe likes to throw me around.

- if no one's thrown up a hand, call me in! ^_^  
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
You're the only person whose shown interest in it. I'd love to have you co-write with me
Bluemoon Scriptor
Bluemoon Scriptor9 years ago
Awesome! I've never written a story with someone in a wheel chair - this should be fun!
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
Neither have I. But I do agree it should be fun. I've had this idea for a while but am not confident enough to write it on my own
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