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Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
Beta-ing - Readers and Authors
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I need a beta reader I can also bounce ideas off of
Mariposa Villanueva
Mariposa Villanueva8 years ago
I'm a young fantasy writer, who is also willing to be a beta reader. I'll always be 100% honest, and try to also give you some neat suggestions, in exchange for the same.
Ellie Rengold
Ellie Rengold8 years ago
Could you please beta read my story? It is called Lauren West: Daughter of Victory. I will beta read your story if you want. I'm not a very good writer, but I'm good at suggesting and editing.
Mariposa Villanueva
Mariposa Villanueva8 years ago
Sounds good :)
Aretice N. Treader
Aretice N. Treader8 years ago
@Mariposa Villanueva, I can't say how helpful I'll be with fantasy, but if you still need a beta, I'd be willing to do that for you.
Mariposa Villanueva
Mariposa Villanueva8 years ago
I'm glad you're willing to be my beta reader! I'll message you if you'd like to know more about what I'm currently writing. :)
Aretice N. Treader
Aretice N. Treader8 years ago
@Mariposa Villanueva, Sure!
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