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The Tome Of The Unknown
The Tome Of The Unknown
sar-low9 years ago
What are you thinking?

Please tell the society about your self. Your righting style, You loves and hates. Anything you feel like people can and/or should know.

Here is mine.
I would describe my writing style as very straight forward. I love reading writing drawing and any of the fin arts.
I Hate math alot probably cause i suck at it.
If you have any questions feel free to message me or commen there!
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
My writing styles depends on what I'm writing. I write all sort of genres, love reading, writing, cooking, anime and video games.
Second Semester college student majoring in computer programming
sar-low9 years ago
I cant wait to be in collage! (my friends think that is weird)
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
@sar-low, not weird. I couldn't wait either
sar-low9 years ago
@roseofnoonvale,  great!I really like school, and learning. I just need to make a choice between anthropology, English, or history. Have a great day!!!
roseofnoonvale9 years ago
@sar-low, I like school and learning too, if the work is challenging. Those are interesting choices, and you too :)
Monos Alba
Monos Alba9 years ago
I think I've put this off enough.
My favourite narration is 2nd Person. I started writing it about 2 years ago for a paper and haven't deviated much since then. I've always been into artsy subjects, finally deciding to make a career after joining a university workshop class. I'm currently working on a Medical Thriller series, the first issue called The Face.
Something I dislike is workshoppers who take forever to get a response from. Also comforting people. Maybe if we're friends, but usually the best response I can come up with is 'that sucks'. Very awkward, indeed...
JokerOfClover8 years ago
My writing style differs to reflect the type of story and character I'm writing about. I mainly write in the supernatural/fantasy genre. I just started getting into the psychological horror genre. I hate forced love stories like The Mortal Instruments, Charming and the Alice In Zombieland series. Right now I'm in my (technically) sophomore year of high school.  I think that's it for now.
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