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What are your favourite anime, movies and music?
Emoddess8 years ago
Let's talk! :)
Musesation8 years ago
Haha! I'm not sure if it's even possible to have only one favourite of those things. My favouriteS so far are KHR and FMAB. Favourite music are those shows' OST and theme songs xD. Favourite movie is How to Train Your Dragon. I'm trying to find time to read series!!
Emoddess8 years ago
Actually, that's true haha. I have so many favourites and I do try to keep the best ones that I like in a list at the moment so here goes;

Anime : Tokyo Ghoul, Kyoukai no Kanata, Arcana Famiglia and Nura :Rise of The Yokai Clan

Movies :Phantom of The Opera, The Godfather, Step Up 3D, Pitch Perfect, LOTR and Harry Potter

For music, since there's so much of them, I'm just gonna pick the ones that stands out in my mind now haha so it's Twenty One Pilots, Yellowcard, YUI, One OK Rock, Lana Del Rey and Daniela Andrade. I'm pretty sure there's more though o_o
Musesation8 years ago
Nura's awesome! Although I didn't quite get into season two. I've been told to focus on the manga. XD
Kyoukai no Kanata sounds very interesting. I need to find time to start that.
I like YUI and One OK Rock too! It's funny. I actually came across both through anime-related things, like theme songs and amvs.
Emoddess8 years ago
@Sunnycanary613, I haven't actually read the manga so I cannot really say which is better in comparison to the anime but I LOVE THE ANIME haha <3
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 years ago
Hi there! I probably overdid it a little but I tried to keep it to a minimum :)

Anime: Akatsuki no Yona, Maid Sama, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia and, for some unknown reason, Attack on Titan (I prefer the manga over almost every anime I watch though xD)

Movie: Cloud Atlas, The Illusionist and Stardust

Music: Of Monsters and Men, Garbage, Fiona Apple, John Williams, Joe Hisaishi and John Powell...I could go on forever...
Emoddess8 years ago
@Ari-Ink98, Omg I liked Maid Sama though! Especially Usui :3
And I haven't exactly watch Attack on Titan although I plan on getting around to it someday!
The only song that I know from Of Monsters and Men is Little Talks haha
Ari Finn
Ari Finn8 years ago
@Emoddess, I love Usui too!!! Have you read the manga?
Emoddess7 years ago
@Ari-Ink98, Okay so I mentioned (in the second column discussion) that I don't read mangas that have turned them into anime. Now on second thought, I made exceptions on some of them and one of it is Kaichou wa Maid-sama! and let me tell you something, it was amazing. I'm so glad I read the manga now that it's completed. I feel like this is the perfect closure that I needed after the anime. <3 <3
Emoddess8 years ago
@Sunnycanary613, I see. Well I'll try to get around reading it someday then! :D
Emoddess8 years ago
@Musesation, I've watched the anime Kyoukai no Kanata and it's awesome!! I do hope you'll find some time to get to that :)
For Nura, I'm not sure about the manga 'cause I don't read it but focus whichever you want first, then maybe you could watch the anime :D
I didn't realise there's an anime that uses One OK Rock's songs?? :O
I found out about YUI when I watched Bleach (I think it was season 1??) for the ending. The song was called Life xD
Musesation8 years ago
Oh, no no, I meant that I found YUI through anime, and One OK Rock from an AMV! Although I don't remember the amv or which song was used.  TT_TT
Emoddess8 years ago
@Musesation, Ohhh. Sorry, my bad! The first time I found out about them was when I was watching some Japanese music videos and the first song that I listened to was "Clock Strikes" but my favourite from them at the moment is definitely "Deeper Deeper". :D
Musesation8 years ago
I first found them through their song Keep it Real!  I really like that one...still my favourite from them, because of the lyrics.  I like many of them. I don't actually speak or even understand Japanese, so I find the tunes enjoyable by themselves, too. But the lyrics, yeah, those I like best when they have some nice meaning.
Emoddess8 years ago
@Musesation, Ah, definitely. I usually enjoy the tunes and beat but when it has a meaningful message to it, then that's even better haha! Have you listen to their song, The Beginning? It's really good, in my opinion :)
Oh yeah, if you've watched Rurouni Kenshin, the band had some soundtracks for them :D
Musesation8 years ago
@Emoddess, Yeah, same. I usually pay most attention to the tunes and beat when I don't know the language.
Oh! I was going to start that show this summer. I'm listening to The Beginning right now. I agree, it's very good. *puts song in repeat playlist*
Emoddess8 years ago
@Musesation, Ahh aha that's cool! :D
Do you have any favourite movie genre?
Musesation7 years ago
@Emoddess,  Oooo sorry for the late reply. Been busy xD Hm. Movie genre. Usually I like comedy/action or comedy/something else.
Oh hey, have you heard about Miraculous Ladybug?
Emoddess7 years ago
@Musesation, Don't worry about it! I totally understand. Yes, I have heard of Miraculous Ladybug but I haven't check out that animation~
Musesation7 years ago
@Emoddess, you should! Its target audience is children, but its concept is very interesting...or maybe I just look to deep into it? Ah well.
Emoddess7 years ago
@Musesation,  Nah, you're fine. And thanks for that, I'll try to check that out! :)
Emoddess8 years ago
@Ari-Ink98, I don't read the mangas that have turned them into anime, sorry! Perhaps someday I will get around to it aha :)

@Musesation, Ahaha yes, I don't speak the Japanese language either but through the lyrics and words (also with the help of subtitles), you could catch up to it. I have a dictionary and I guess I know some words/sentences but my knowledge and skills of that is rustic >.<

Does anyone here watches Vampire Knight?
Musesation8 years ago
Yeah, that's true :D I actually prefer to watch anime in Jap with English subtitles because I could pick up on some phrases! But honestly, I find that Japanese voice actors are better than the English dubbed actors. But not always. Sometimes, they're both excellent but I've watched quite a few anime whose English voice actors are just lacking something that the Japanese ones have.
I considered learning Japanese once, but just reading about all the syntax and other aspects of the language makes my head hurt.
I watched and read Vampire Knight! But I didn't quite finish either of them yet...
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