if the universe is the reason for everything and for the whole of our existence, then why does it make so many of us, starting at such a young age, suffer? why does it make us go through such pain which none of us deserve? i wouldn’t wish the pain i go through on anyone. if this world is meant to be so ‘fair’ and so ‘equal’ then why make some suffer and make some so happy? we didn’t choose to be like this. it’s gotten to the point where some of us have found comfort in the sadness. but that’s the thing isn’t it. the world will never be ‘fair’ and ‘equal’. those words are just some bullshit. for our world to be ‘earth’ it can’t be such thing as ‘fair’ and ‘equal’. some suffer, some are happy. that’s the way it’s supposed to be. some get better, some don’t. right? this shitty world is the reason people like me suffer anyways.