Shadow is sneaking past soldier by soldier, keeping his guard up just in case any spot him. He manages to find a tall building that he can take cover in, he enters inside to see a big workshop for metals and ores that are turned into materials, the place is mixed between dirty and clean. He ducks from view of a few of the Arts. The mercenary can hear them talking.
One of the soldiers speaks "Well are we close to moving out?"
The other replies, "Should be, we got the main, side and back up plans ready, we be damn near impossible to stop with what we got going."
The knight keeps going, taking a shadow form to get in loser and hide between a stockpile of armour. He hides behind one when a guard passes by. The mercenary thinks "How well prepared are they? What do they intend to do? Damn it, got to find out more, not much time."
Shadow starts looking around for more information, He leaves the building unnoticed and decides to find other places that can be used for weapons and gear, He climbs to higher ground and starts going up a building that is mostly a bar with a few rooms upstairs for people to rest in. He gets to the roof to spot anything from above. The knight can see more activity in some areas, while others are getting checked by tougher looking security.
The mercenary slowly makes his way to another building, following where the main work and equipment are, he becomes aware that there is more to this then just raiding a guild or help taking the capital.
Meanwhile, Enella and Ryaiio are rushing towards Frontier, The scout leading the way there. They have no idea what they might be facing but will be ready to stop any plans being in motion. They get closer to Frontier and start spotting guards and heavy patrol units. The two scouts hide by nearby trees and bushes.
Ryaiio whispers "Crap, not gonna be easy to get in, way too fortified."
The blue haired girl thinks, then quietly informs Ryaiio "We need to get in with little to no distractions, if they realize someone is trying to get in, we will have trouble, if we can reach a building with little guards we can lay low and take watch. But we need to get close to it somehow..."
The young scout replies "Let me handle that, I can distract them without making it obvious. Light magic can be handy for that, little bit fun too."
The scout nodded in agreement and slowly made her way in, taking the most clustered areas to use more cover. While the young boy uses his light to reflect light into a couple of soldiers light and letting them deal with each other, which brings in two more to break up the argument, Rayiio can't help but quietly laugh and have a bit of fun with this, but he starts moving where the scout went to catch up and distract what might spot her, he watches closely and deals with another soldier by increases the areas heat, causing the soldier to move away.
The enemy soldier then talks to himself "this heat starts getting to ya after a while, might need to check the area anyway..."
The cheerful boy hears this and quickly moves away before the soldier can start to patrol and might see him. The scout manages to find a building and slowly makes her way in, revealing inside to be a modified two story house for the soldiers to rest and get a meal in. The young scout catches up and enters and taps Enella in the shoulder, she gets scared but keeps her voice in and turns to see Ryaiio wasn't trying to do anything bad. They head closer to the main urban areas, the most patrol are around this location, They climb to the roof and jumps to another building that has a ladder to lead higher and look around the surrounding area.
Deeper inside the city of Frontier, Shadow has entered inside a building by entering by a broken window on the second floor, he takes a closer look inside by looking through the cracks in the wall near him, the location nearby appears to be a huge vehicle garage and repair site. The knight creeps around the corners of the building trying to find a safe way inside to set up an attack to slow down any plans ahead. He thinks about how he could pull something off while staying undetected.
Suddenly a soldier is running towards Shadow, who he quickly takes down and takes his weapon away, he summons some shadows to make the soldier speak as he is pinned to the floor. The shadows take shape of multiple moving spikes.
The mercenary demands answers while keeping his voice relatively quiet "What plans are you plotting here, where are you attacking? Tell me or else my spikes do the talking."
The soldier is in fear and won't move a muscle, he replies with stutter "I-I'm not sure what we are attacking, b-but we're planing something huge" He then tries to grab his dagger.
Shadow notices the weapon and drills the spikes into the scared enemy's head, leaving a bloody mess on the floor, wall and all over the dead soldier's face, holes covering most of it, showing only partial amounts of tissue or bone left over.
Shadow whispers "nice try, but I won't be dead yet." He then sneaks into the main complex of the garage and carefully hides under a truck powered by magic. The knight breaks the connection to the motor and stabs some of the cold pipes to heat the truck up. He then sneaks away and does the same thing to another truck next to him. He manages to sneak out almost getting caught, he sighs in relief and heads to a window and spots a populated area where two connected building with an outdoor area, where training for magic weapons are happening.
Shadow is shocked now, he thinks to himself while ducking down "How did they get so many magical gear, two trucks is possible but over twenty-five weapons! There're rare and hard to make, they must have more inside, can't mass produce this, or have they figured out a way to make them more frequently?"
The mercenary heads towards the training facility as fast as he can, while still being quiet and avoiding detection. He manages to get closer but guards and watch towers overlook the place with heavy security.
Meanwhile Enella and Ryaiio destroyed some armour they found, luring guards nearby to take out, they both hide and watch carefully, then 4 patrolling guards enter and see the mess, the scout quickly lunges into the crowd and slices them all with a spin, cutting most in half, but one only by the arm, who gets his face burnt though by the grey haired boy.
Ryaiio then breaths in and out in a short exhaustion "Damn, we've been at this for at least fifteen minutes, you think this will slow them at all?"
The blue haired girl replies in an unsure expression "Don;t know... But ever bit counts so we have to try."
the young scout nods in return and smiles with determination, which leaves the older scout to nod in return but with a serious expression. Suddenly an explosion is heard from a distance, they quickly realize it must be Shadow sabotaging the place as well so the both of them head that way by going up the stairs and using the roofs to get across quickly while being mostly avoided, they run into a few guards pilling on the roof, they stop in a aware state that there is a crowd already.
Enella quickly moves to a balcony leading the young scout and added "We have an opportunity to make a bigger distraction and maybe even take some of these guys out without too much issue. You ready?"
Ryaiio looks and points in a distance, he spots a few guards leaving with some magical weapons and explained "Quick lets go there, I saw some of the soldiers with some strange stuff, might be big."
The cheerful boy quickly jumps off the roof, landing on the ground with a roll and rushes off to the building, leaving the serious girl behind, who is annoyed he ran off, but follows anyway, catching up using her speed magic.
By then the guards and patrols knew to spread out and prepare for a battle to commence and they started searching for who was in their way.
Meanwhile Shadow kills several Ancient Art workers and fighters with ease, since he caught them off guard and left them unprepared leaving blood and sliced up bodies to remain, one fighter gets up and tries to use her transformation to become a beast and lunge from behind, but the Knight quickly leaps forward and turns midair to fire shadow projectiles, killing the attacker instantly with multiple wounds and large punctures. Soon after more training warriors are heard fighting, with magic and weapons, he presumes their using their magical weaponry to engage him. The mercenary charges in to spot Enella and a new face already dealt with the rest. He unequipped his armor for a moment.
Shadow is curious but also unsure of the person and wondered "Who's this?"
Ryaiio quickly charms in with a friendlier tone "My name's Ryaiio, I'm an ally don;t worry. I'm with Phoenix Arms!"
The young scout offers to shake hands in a playful but happy way, the knight refuses and continues on ahead.
Shadow went on in a plan like tone "I found this to be way too prepared for your guild, this is more for takeovers from the looks of it, but I've yet to get any info, But having these weapons, that's whats bugging me..." Shadow then lowers his voice to a thinking mutter "Where did they get them?"
The young scout then replies quickly "We can worry about that in a second, we gotta stop em from doing any harm."
The knight nods in agreement and Enella smiles and mentions an important fact "Don't forget we have allies incoming, so lets stick together and destroy these facilities."
Then soldiers come by in massive numbers. They stop and ready their weapons and magic, so do the three companions, then Rowsla appears form behind slowly clapping and walking to them.
The mad man smiles and laughs for a second, he then cheerfully asks "Did you really think destroying a few place would do anything? You must be freaking kidding me!"
He then laughs more, and proceeds to order the unit he is with "Take them out, except you few here, come with me... We got others joining us to our wonderful party."
The soldiers begin to attack, charging and firing magic at the three companions. The mercenary hides as a shadow underneath them and appears behind them and begins to chase Rowsla, thinking he will lead the attack. The agility user quickly uses her speed to leap wall to wall to higher ground, narrowly avoiding arrows and getting to cover. The cheerful boy blinds as many as he can after he dodges a few swords and drains plenty of his magic leaving him to run to where the older scout headed by the stairs.
Shadow closes the distance between him and Rowsla but the leader makes the entire floor in front of him ice and begins to skate on it to become faster, leaving the remaining troops far behind, they try to stop the knight but get quickly dispatched by a shadow blade that hits the walls, the mercenary then slams the floor with a force of shadow that shatters the ice and rise into the air and continues after the mad man. Leading outside he notices the Phoenix arms are starting to arrive but with trouble, he realizes he has to help for the time being, he grunts to the part he lost the ice user, who might have had important information. He grabs his sword and charges into an enemy impaling the chest and rips it out by the side, splatting blood to the side by a few inches.
Elsewhere, Enella eliminates some soldiers who are wielding magic swords and maces, she was careful to dodge a few, but got hit by an ice mace, knocking her to the floor, the scout then uses speed to make the mace user surprised and killed her by slicing off the head, the thoughtful scout then sees a hole is made in the floor, showing below Ryaiio fighting some enemies of his own, Enella jumps down and kills two, the young scout then shoots a light ray at the roof to bonce off to hit a target behind cover, leaving a splatter of blood where the shoulder to chest was. They both exit the building to see a battle has started with the Ancient arts and Phoenix arms.
"Now we have back up. Sweet!" Ryaiio yells as he moves in to give a hand to his friends.
Enella looks around while no one is fighter her to look for more answers, she shouts to Ryaiio "Give our friends a hand, i'll find more answers now we have more aid."
She then kills an armored swordsman by slicing the arms off then the chest in half with lightning speed and lends fellow Phoenix arm friend a hand to pick him up.
"Thanks." the ally replies slightly exhausted and glad to be alright.
The scout then replies seriously "I need a hand follow me."
Enella proceeds forward to where she is going and the axeman follows her.