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  • Writer
    Hey! For an avid writer I'm actually terrible at writing anything like this so please bear with me! My name.....is on my profile so let's not start there hahahaha...uhhh - see, already off to a terrible start....quick recover Sunny....um....I'm 21, love hot Cheetos even though I can't even get them from where I live so have them imported....yes I import food from different countries if I love them that much. Food means a lot to me okay....

    Anyway, maybe I should actually talk about writing since this is why I am here in the first place. I love to write, which is a given otherwise I wouldn’t be here. I have loved to write ever since secondary school. It started off as school assignments "write a 3000 word short story" etc. etc. and once I started....I loved it. But I'm getting ahead of myself, before I started writing I was content to just read....and read, and read whatever I thought would take my interest. Books are a huge passion of mine and the quickest way to make me love you, is to buy me a book (preferably the Series of Unfortunate Events series in their original hardcovers please and thank youuuu :)...but I digress). I'm getting off track...sigh...I told you I'm terrible at these. Back to writing, so yeah loved to read but didn't really discover my passion for writing until I started small.

    When we were no longer doing short stories as assignments, I just wrote them in my free time. I started having so many ideas but never really sticking to them and actually producing a substantial amount of writing from them. Until, one day I thought of an idea and decided, no...this time I WILL write an actual book. So I planned...and planned....and planned. A lot of planning went into it and I credit that for why I became so passionate about the story. It took a very long time, and was really hard at times but I did it. I actually wrote a book....now I had to send it out into the world and let it be judged, scrutinised, analysed and either be loved or torn apart. A terrifying concept and I'm afraid I gave into that fear. My book sat in the cobwebs of my laptop memory drive for years and no one but myself ever saw it. Until I met someone who I let read it and he loved it, insisted that he will help me get it published. Hearing someone else talk about my book and genuinely seem interested and passionate about reignited my passion for it. Then I reconnected with my cousin in New York, hearing her talk about her ideas that she never went through with made me kick myself in the bum...what am I doing? My ultimate dream is to be an author so what was I doing hiding behind....well everything?

    So here I am, in the end, it's about me not letting fear stop me from doing what I really want to do. And God dammit I'm going to try!

    NB: Wattpad is still my original platform na already has more chapters of the book I've written so If you would like to continue reading visit my Wattpad page https://www.wattpad.com/user/superwoman2106

    In addition, anything I create will be posted on there first. Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy it!
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Anya's sister disappeared four years ago and she witnessed it happen. Though what good is a witness if you can't remember what occurred? She gets the opportunity to unlock the secrets her memories hold when a handsome young man appears and offers to take her 'to the land of fairies'. The more she learns about this magical world the more questions she has about it, herself and the self-acclaimed rulers. What's more everyone seems to be afraid of a mysterious power she has that could bring about her own destruction as well as everyone she cares about. With a deadly organisation also out to destroy her will she be able to find all the answers she's looking for?