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My take on how History, Pre-story and story came to be

Zoom back to like a million years ago..
There lived three brothers who never had their tales told....
Walking the earth 'fore Africa ever gave gold...
Now listen real clear as I make it unfold... 


"HISTORY" that's the name of the eldest brother..
Though his mom tried aborting him... 
When she was pregnant with him... She was busy partying and unready to be a mother....
He started watching his back from right inside the womb....
He never wanted to be "from womb to the tomb" ....
He was not the normal baby he was never flexing.... 
He's vexing.... 
Why are you pregnant with me.... when you wasn't gonna accept me.... 
Skip to the next scene... 
adaptation sets in....
Some biological bits I must have missed.... the lessons...
He was given birth to weird...
both eyes at the back of his head...
From dodging code hanger and avoiding to be dead.... 
Since he's blind to the future he focus on the past.. 
A whole lot to say 'bout him but ama keep it at that...


Now to the second born of a crazy mother....
Having a funny looking dude as an elder brother...
He was always off balance always trying to keep the peace... 
The only optimistic one out of three kids... 
Fighting off insanity trying to be sane... 
Hoping that tomorrow is better and working for the same.... 
He plays the background he's helping.... around the house....
The only member of the family very unknown to the crowd...
He's calm he's quiet.. And he's not very loud
He loves the meek, the gentle....  vanishes once you re proud..
Goodnight kisses was a thing his mama never gave him... 
His upbringing betrayed him...
people always doubt him...
"PRE-STORY" is the name I doubt y'all know a thing about him...


Now to the last born..
The one I know you like.... hun..
The one that makes you laugh...
When he's around... You say you have fun....
But how come...
Cos this dude.... Finna be good... 
All of a sudden he was rude...
Started stealing... Outta... his brothers chronicles...
Twisted and tweak events however way he wanted .. He broke the rules... 
He puts the lie in BElieVE....
Claims ranks he ain't achieved....
He comes off.... funny at times...... with corny messages to kids...
Who reads.... "Fictions" things that never even is...
Or was... 
Things that kill a brother buzz
... What the fuzz... 
He keeps his lies in the truth...
Stole fountains of the youth....
Took advantage of his brothers... added his part ... what a brute....
And his name is "STORY" the last brother who switches route...


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