They’re called biscuits and yet Jace swears they look like cookies Shae made one time. Then again, Celeste knows better. They’ve been around far longer. Better yet, they don’t taste too bad. Not overly sweet or bland.
Jace sets the other half of his on the plate his cup sits next to. The drink they served is another problem. It’s far too good. He knows he’ll have to make sure Zye comes to try it next time.
Then again, Celeste did say that Iris brought them back. Perhaps he should speak to her about getting more instead.
Picking up his cup, he turns his attention to Celeste as they move about the room. They’re fixing the bed as Orion continues to talk. Part of which, Jace has missed.
“…what to do about Sigil sooner rather than later. Her body may be in a stasis at the moment, but too long here and I’m not sure what could happen. Rather, what would happen if she went back after being here for an extended period.”
Celeste fluffs one of the large, white, and pink spotted pillows. “Hm, perhaps we do ask her then and soon.”
Jace settles back against the cushions, large hands wrapped around the small glass with the oblong rim. “And if she says yes?”
Orion glances at him from where he sits across from Jace. He picks up his own cup and crosses one leg over the other. “Then I’ll take her as my Guardian. Should she change her mind down the road, so be it. She’s too vulnerable to be sent back out there for Soren to get his hands on.”
“I hope she doesn’t think we’re locking her up so to speak…” murmurs Celeste as they turn around. They notice the plush toy of a fish-like creature on the floor. A quick kick and they have it up in the air and in their arms. Setting it on the bed, they walk over to where the two men sit.
“I’ll be careful how I explain it. Until Soren is taken care of, I’d rather she be safe and always with one of us if out of our rooms. Besides, becoming a Star won’t get rid of the power Haru unknowingly gave her family line.”
“Maybe practice with Celeste first.”
The slight smile on Jace’s lips as he sips at his drink has Orion huffing. The other man sets his cup down and settles back against the couch. Celeste chuckles as they come up behind where Orion sits.
Jace glances up at them both before taking another sip. “Is no one else joining us today?”
Celeste crosses their arms over the back of the couch. “They’re busy with tasks. I also gave them some time off today before returning to their missions. Where’s Zye?”
“With Kerse.”
Orion begins to rock his foot back and forth in thought. “She’ll be a great asset to him if he realizes it.”
Grinning, Celeste leans forward further, arms stretching down over the back cushion. “Orion was always impressed with her skill. She fights like we would, not so much like a ‘magic-user’.”
“That’s a bit judgmental, don’t you think?”
“It’s an observation.” Orion crosses his arms. “We have weapons and affinities. You all have some kind of element or magic.”
“Not every Star is an offensive weapon.”
At that, Orion deflates a bit. “Yes…I’m aware. The majority I’ve dealt with are. It’s why we train them based on that.”
“Which is why I think mixed training is a better idea. It’d promote some more unique abilities to find their true potential.”
Celeste watches the exchange with a chuckle. “I’m glad you two have this all worked out.”
Flustered, Orion places a hand on the cushion and uncrosses his legs. He sits forward and turns, looking back at Celeste. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“You’re not excluding me. I mean it as a good thing. I feel like I don’t have to worry with you two around. You both are filling the shoes Hax and Charm left.”
Orion promptly flips back around, wiggling as he sits back against the couch once more. He murmurs softly to them, “They didn’t do everything.”
“No, but you have to admit we followed after them like willing little sheep most of the time.”
Celeste notices the way Orion’s energy shifts. He’s pouting. They pat his shoulder and redirect their attention to Jace.
“We’ll need to discuss our next plans for Soren. Aster has brought concerns to the table in terms of his followers coming to our doorstep. As well as the fact that he’s becoming harder to track.”
Balancing his cup on his thigh, Jace finds it hard to respond to that. In a lot of respects, Aster isn’t wrong. It wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for Soren to make a move as much as it would be. He’s becoming a wild card. If he’s trying to find a new place to set up, that’s even more worrying.
Jace glances up to see Orion’s eyes on him. He gives a wave of his hand. “I doubt that would happen. He can’t be foolish enough to bring the fight to us.”
“Unless he uses it to his advantage seeing as we care about causalities and he doesn’t,” Celeste butts in.
Before her, Orion crosses his arms. “I disagree that he’d do that. I believe if others see us fighting back against an onslaught that they’d join in to help us.”
“You assume a lot,” replies Jace while he sets the cup down. “Would they all really be willing to risk dying again?”
“What are you saying?”
Jace takes a breath. He remembers Zye and the conversations they would have. He knows the fear in those eyes as the threat of death is clawing at him. The burning desire to live couples well with the dark claws of death.
Despite his own faded memory, his death wasn’t easy to get past either.
“We’ve already died once. Even if you can promise us a cushy afterlife or another life after this, we still don’t want to die again.”
Celeste interjects with a nod. “That would make sense. We haven’t been faced with that before. I do understand…almost dying. It’s horrifying. Therefore, yes, I would like some talk to be had about this.”
Orion hangs his head at the admission. Jace watches the way his shoulders slump while he mutters softly. “Celeste…I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It’s a little disconcerting to think Soren could show up here and hurt others as he did me.”
“Then I’ll begin drafting up ideas and run them by Aster.” Orion stands, making sure his cup is safe on the table as he does. “He handles many tasks around Noctis. I’ll check with Ilista and her scouting teams. We need to find his other hideout if he has one.”
Jace follows Orion’s lead. “I can talk to Kerse as well. I have a few people I can call on to help keep eyes on who is coming in and out of Solis.”
Clapping their hands together, Celeste finally straightens up. “Perfect. While you two do that, I’ll continue training with the starlets. You can let Zye know not to worry. Xerxes has gotten much better and very quickly too.”
“Having a good teacher helps.”
Orion nods in agreement and skirts around the edge of the table. “If we have our tasks settled, I need to get moving. I have a few missions to take care of as well.”
Jace watches as he begins to leave. He shifts the coat on his shoulders. “You should take someone with you. No one should go anywhere alone right now.”
“I will. I’m sure Aster is free. Ah, and you are adjusting well?”
“So far so good. Nothing different to report so far.”
The last thing he wants to tell Orion about is the fact that he was right. Emotional bursts can trigger their power more than he thought it could.
It means Orion can resume hurrying out while Jace glances at Celeste. There’s no gaze to watch for. The eyes are the window to the soul and yet Celeste wears their feelings and intentions in their body language instead.
They’re far more relaxed than they have been in the past. He hopes to take that as a sign that they’re trusting him. At least, that’s what he’d like to happen.
Unlike Orion, Jace moves away from the couches and then turns back to Celeste with a bow of his head. “Thank you for the snacks. It was nice.”
“It was, wasn’t it? I forgot how much I missed it…”
There’s a sadness to their words that Jace hopes to rectify. “I’ll be sure to bring you something back next time I go out so we can do this again.”
“Oh! I’d love that. Thank you, Jace, and please send Zye my well wishes.”
“I will.”
Jace turns on his heel with his coat flourishing behind him. He has things to do, after all. As much as he enjoyed that, he has to keep going. There’s so much to do. So much to plan for and try to prevent. While heading downstairs and back to Solis, he sends a single message.
One that’s answered in the form of a woman waiting for him off to the side. She stands by the stairs with her arms behind her back, hands clasped loosely together. Even with the thick, heavy heels of her boots she barely stands at shoulder level with Jace.
She’s a powerful woman in stature that’s accented by the black leather armors over her body. Beneath it peaks out shades of violet as well as the silver plates across the knuckles of her gloves.
The only skin she shows is her face and the light-colored freckles sprinkled across her cheeks. Her pale eyes are the strangest thing about her as they seem to shift in color depending on how the light hits them. A gaze that’s seen perfectly with how she keeps her dark hair cropped short and swept back.
To Jace, she reminds him a lot of his mother. Fierce, loyal, and loving. Aside from the fact that this woman has a long black tail and small feline ears atop her head.
Seeing him approach, she unclasps her hands and smiles at him. Jace extends a hand as he does to which she shakes his. He returns her smile with ease. “Tia, you’re as quick as always.”
“You might be younger, but I’ll be faster.”
“Age doesn’t matter much here, you know that.”
“What do you need?”
Jace, upon letting go of her hand, gestures toward those he keeps his back to. Everyone moving about or relaxing is his concern.
“Eyes on Solis. I need to know if anyone is acting strange or could be associated with Soren. He’s oddly quiet.”
“Ah, worried he’ll try something funny. A smart man you are. It’s a shame considering his potential. To act like a child after this long…”
“You know as well as I do that being chosen for this doesn’t always mean they’re a good person or can’t change.”
“I’m well aware, son. I’ll have my team begin moving through here and taking shifts. We’ll let you know if anything is amiss. Should I contact Gray?”
“No. I’ve burdened him too much already. If I’m not here and you suspect something, reach out to Kerse. I’ll talk with her to make sure she links with you soon.”
“Hah!” Tia waves a hand back and forth. “That girl is the easiest person to find. Even now, she’s in the training area. Not a bad idea. I miss her demonstrations where she’d lay a dozen of us on our backs within minutes.”
Jace is surprised nonetheless. The last he knew, she was to be with Zye while he ran his errands. Tia seems to notice the look on his face.
“Son, she eats and breathes honing her skills. Saw her go in there with our new boss at that. I stuck around for a little bit. She’s really putting him through the wringer.”
Exhaling, Jace turns toward where he’s inevitably heading next. “I’d better go save him then.”
“Better. Otherwise, he’ll be a puddle on the floor soon.”
Tia steps around him and pats his arm. A solid, lingering touch that renews his resolve further. He has plenty of connections. Mostly thanks to Callua and Gray. He can’t squander them. He has to make use of them so that they can all get through this.
Off to the training area, Jace is well aware of the glances sent his way when he goes through. No surprise there. He hasn’t been in the training room in what feels like ages. Not to mention he’s going in while there’s something “big” happening.
He’s not surprised in the least that there’s a crowd gathering. Stars of both divisions are watching. They all stand well out of range and at the edges of the rather basic training area. The first section is simply solid ground. No elements, no difficult terrain— only a flat, solid gray surface.
They’re all enamored, unable to look away and proceed with their own training as the spar before them happens. For a moment, Jace is much like them. His eyes are locked onto Kerse and Zye as they go back and forth at each other.
Neither Zye nor Kerse wield their weapons. It’s only magic that they combat each other with. Obviously, that and their fists seeing the way Zye wipes the back of his hand against the blood dripping from his nose. He has far more scuffs on him than Kerse.
As he should considering his magic has no direct harming properties unlike hers. Each time she slings her poison at him, he tries to dodge with only mild success. A few drops always manage to catch his pants or shirt. Small holes are already forming in the material as well as burning across his skin.
Jace can tell it’s not as strong as she could use. She’s only meaning to show she can do so. Then again, he can also see the irritation on her face that Zye continues to dart around her through his rifts.
Kerse waits patiently as he attempts a distraction with one while simultaneously opening another. It’s in hopes she keeps her attention behind her and not on the one in front of her he appears from.
His wager that she would goes horribly wrong almost instantly. He’s never been that lucky. Not when she’s trained for eons to be able to see someone as green as him coming along.
Zye’s fingers graze over the pink cloth tucked into the waistband of her skirt. It’s the only way to end the fight, prove he can do it, and come out on the other side— grab it from her anyway, anyhow.
Kerse smacks his hand away only to bring her grasp down onto his wrist. Unlike Zye, she doesn’t care about the cloth he has tucked into his pocket. She doesn’t want the session to end. Not easily, at least.
She yanks him forward. As he stumbles, she lets go and shoves him down. Zye braces his arms around his head, taking the brunt of the slam. It knocks the wind out of him. All the while Kerse kneels over his back, one leg on either side.
“You’re done.”
“I think so, too,” he groans in return. “I got it. I win.”
Kerse glances down to see that he grabbed the cloth the second she got close enough. Zye turns his head, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. The audacity has Kerse letting out a growl.
“Dumbass. You’re trapped. I win, cloth or not.”
“That wasn’t the rule you made.”
While he speaks, Zye opens a rift below himself. He sinks into it effortlessly. Not wanting to chance it, Kerse shoves herself up and away in a single breath. She glares at him as he comes from partly up in the air a few feet away. He lands on shaky legs with a cloth dangling from his fingers.
“You were saying?”
“I’d beat you up if there weren’t so many witnesses. Still…that let me gauge your stamina well enough. We’ll continue tomorrow. Next time you won’t get away with that and it won’t end even if you do.”
The intimidating words hardly register when he realizes just how many people are watching them. Although, there are already quite a few of them meandering off back to their own tasks.
Even so, there are still at least three dozen watching to see what happens next. Zye lifts his other hand in a small, tentative wave. “Uh…hi?”
Kerse steps away and the second she does, most of them are hurrying forward. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Even as tall as he is, he finds it hard to catch telling details of any one person and what they’re saying.
“How did you do that?”
“What is your power?”
“That was so cool, I’ve never seen anyone do that to Kerse!”
More and more to the point where they drone on into white noise. They’re getting closer and reaching out while others stay back, settling to be louder than those who dare to move in. It’s all far too much.
He’s not handling it half as well as Kerse. She takes them all in stride and gives a few pointers. Anything from checking their stances to answering questions about what they saw. Even those that dare to ask if she’ll spar with them next.
And she’s speaking calmly with them.
Zye is not.
His throat tightens and his mouth runs dry. There’s no way he can handle this many people. A hesitant step back is all he manages when suddenly there’s a hand at his back. He looks over to see Jace at his side, a warm smile on his face.
“I think that’s enough for now. Good work lately, everyone. Be sure to rest plenty between training and missions, alright?”
Seeing that this means they’re intending to leave, most of the onlookers begin to nod and leave. They shuffle away while one in particular stays behind. Even to them, this man is tall, not to mention huge. Zye has to look up to meet the stunning smile that’s flashed at him.
He’s not sure what to say or where to start. The man has broad shoulders and is very well-muscled from top to bottom. Not to mention the unreal amounts of bronzed skin he can see thanks to the semi-transparent fabrics he wears. The only things that aren’t are his pants and the vest with a low dip.
The fiery red hair is pulled back in long braids on the side with a tuft sticking up into a short mohawk in the middle. If anything, it keeps all of the hair out of his bright blue eyes.
Zye swears they twinkle the longer he looks at them. To the point where he’s barely paying attention to a word that comes out of his mouth.
“I know you’re busy and you’re still settling in, but I was hoping you could give me some advice about my magic. I’m not sure how to use it.”
A subject Zye isn’t sure he’s going to be good with. Still, he’s grateful Jace is there to hopefully back him up should he flounder. That and he doesn’t want to be rude— he has to create a good reputation. Others should be comfortable coming to him with their problems.
As much as he wishes he didn’t have to worry about it.
“What’s your magic?”
“I’m told it is gravity. I can create small fields of it, like a dome, or when I touch someone it can happen to them when I don’t mean for it to.”
“When it happens without you meaning to, what’s it feel like? Are you upset in any way?”
“I guess…now that I think about it…yes.”
“Emotions can make your power react without you meaning to. I guess you could say it’s like a muscle that needs training. We’re all working on that still. Kerse is great to test it on.”
The man follows the direction Zye jabs his thumb over his shoulder toward where Kerse is. He gives a small nod as Zye continues.
“I think your magic is pretty cool. It’d be useful in a lot of situations to lock a Nether in place so that the others can take care of it.”
“You think so?”
“Yup, I do. If you want help—”
“You’ll train with me!? Oh, that would be wonderful!”
The man’s face lights up immediately. To which Zye can only give a sheepish smile. There’s the inability to say no. He should build some bridges so to speak. Considering so many know Jace and Callua while he has to start at square one.
“Sure, why not? I can go…sometime. Jay?”
Jace is more than happy to take care of it. “Touch the mirror and let it know what you need. When he’s available, you’ll know and it can happen.”
Holding out his hand, the man grins to show off all of his pearly white teeth. The smile is blinding. Caught up in it, Zye takes the offered handshake.
“Thank you so very much! I didn’t know what I was going to do. Ah, right,” he begins to shake Zye’s hand, “my name is Ryn. I’m very grateful for your help.”
Zye is flustered as it is. The large hand that easily encompasses his doesn’t help. His neck is starting to ache from having to look up. It makes him wonder if that’s how Xerxes felt when he was younger.
The thought is shattered as Ryn yanks him forward as the handshake ends. The only way to rationalize the fact that he’s pressed up against this man’s chest in a tight embrace is that’s how he says thank you.
It doesn’t stop the prickling feeling that races across his skin. He’s gotten better at pushing it down, ignore it, and don’t overreact. It’s no big deal, even though he doesn’t know this man, Jace is right there. So is Kerse.
Thankfully, Ryn lets him go fast enough so that he can take a step back.
Jace, however, dislikes it. Why, he can’t quite put his finger on it. What he does know is that he reacts without much reason other than making sure it’s seen. He takes Zye’s hand in his and begins to lead him away.
“We should get going. In the meantime, keep up your training and if you need anything that Kerse can’t handle, let us know.”
Ryn nods vigorously and makes a beeline straight for her. As he does, Jace is eagerly tugging Zye toward the stairs. It’s not necessarily a fast stride, it’s merely a bit quick and steady. Zye doesn’t seem to mind. He’s already chatting away.
“He was so damn tall! How does he fit through the doorways? I mean, they’re pretty big already.”
“The doorways and rooms adjust to the different needs of those using them.”
“Huh…right. Of course, they do. So, tell me now that I’ve gotten a good look at most of these people, is there a limit to who can be selected for this?”
Jace lets go of Zye’s hand as they begin up the stairs, satisfied now that they’re away from everyone. “I’ve never seen children, that’d be cruel, I think.”
“Makes sense…”
They crest the last step and move into the hallway. Jace moves aside to allow Zye the choice of where they go. As he stands in the middle of the hallway, he glances over at Jace.
“You know the mirror is nice and all but that’s well…is there anything else? The Marks for everyone in Noctis would deliver messages to each other. Could we do that but with everyone?”
“I’m not sure. I never thought about it.”
“What I’m saying is, could they go downstairs? Or at least stationed by the doors? Can we summon more than one?”
Jace chuckles. “It’s cute when you get worked up with an idea. I think that’d be a test we’d have to try. I’ve never tried it.”
“Should I ask Orion? He would know right?”
“He would.”
There’s a pause in their conversation. Jace watches Zye’s face and how his brows furrow ever-so-slightly as he concentrates. Until he smirks at Jace.
“Orion incoming.”
Little noise precedes Orion’s arrival as he hurries up the stairs. He huffs by the time he stands in front of them. Jace looks to Orion, confused. “I thought you had things to do?”
“I was coming to speak with Kerse. This one said it was an important question.”
“It…is. I said it could still wait!”
Orion raises a brow. “Out with it.”
“Can we have more than one Mark?”
“A Mark is an extension of your power that has the ability to manifest in a given form.” His hands rest on his hips. “It would be wise to limit it to one.”
“Shit. Okay, what if the one we do have can go down and mingle with everyone and gather messages.”
Orion thinks for a moment. Feeling proud of himself for making Orion do so, Zye nudges his arm against Jace’s. The man in reply shakes his head while Orion finally comes to a decision.
“Yes, I believe they could.”
“And I’d only be able to check what they are when I get back. Wait, if they don’t talk—”
“It would be a mental link no different than when you call for me or anyone else.”
“Okay, cool. We’ll try it out and let you know how it goes.”
Orion is already turning on his heel. “Good luck, I look forward to it. We might implement it over in Noctis as well if it goes well.”
He’s starting down the stairs when Zye grins. “Thanks, Ori!”
“No nicknames,” replies Orion as he vanishes from their sight with a few more steps down.
Jace sighs. “You did that on purpose.”
“What? He won’t admit he likes it. Kerse said that’s how she used to bug him. Speaking of, she wore me the hell out. Can we relax now or do you have other plans for me?”
“No, let’s relax. Cal should be back late. After whatever she was doing with Ilista, she said she was going to meet with Livi for a bit.”
At that, Zye grabs the edge of Jace’s coat and begins to tug him over to Jace’s door. To which, the latter is a bit confused. Even so, he lets the magic release so that Zye can open the door and step inside.
“Don’t you want to see your room?”
Zye waits for Jace to enter behind him, shutting the door to give them privacy. There’s a reason he can say. And then there’s what he chooses to say instead. A rare moment where he hesitates and fights back the urge to speak what he’s thinking.
“Not yet. I’d rather spend a night with you. You promised me cuddles in a hammock. Or are you rescinding that?”
“You’re always welcome to stay in here. You know that.” Jace moves closer until he can place his hands on Zye’s hips. He doesn’t need to see Zye to know something’s wrong. “You should soon and you don’t have to do it alone.”
Zye covers Jace’s hands with his own. “It’s fine. Really. Going just makes it a bit more…final. This is really happening.”
He pulls away and begins for the door leading to the cleansing area. To which, Jace is eager to follow after him. When they get there, Jace opens the door and gestures for him to go in first.
“How did today go so far?”
“Stayed busy and checked in on everyone. Every now and then a thought would leak through that’s not mine.”
Jace steps in after him. If anything, this room hasn’t changed much at all. The tone of the room has with its now light-colored stone with speckles of white throughout it. The pool of water is the very same with a wicker rack near the stairs leading down into it. It’s stacked full of white towels, save for the top shelf, with an empty wicker basket beside it.
“You’ll get better at pushing those back. They’re mostly going to be calls for help to cleanse areas far beyond their capability.”
“Not to fight?” asks Zye as he stops at the edge of the pool.
Coming up beside him, Jace undoes his coat and hangs it off the corner of the rack. “Remember, we cleanse areas. That’s our main priority. It’ll stop the spawn of Nether attached to it. For example, you’d have a team of Stars with you so that you can cleanse the area while they protect you.”
“The Dark Star on the team, especially if it’s one of us, is most important. Otherwise, whatever portal seemingly opens to foster Nether won’t close.”
“I get it. Don’t like it, but I get it. Guess I’m too used to putting myself on the line.”
Zye pulls his shirt over his head and smirks at Jace. “Complicated. Always is. Wait, are you getting in too?”
“Might as well.”
Stripping alongside Zye, he grabs the clothes Zye sets on the floor. Each piece is folded and placed on the empty top of the rack. Left in his snugly fit underwear, Jace watches as Zye enters the water until he’s up to his waist.
If anything, Jace is ecstatic with how casual they’re getting around each other. The fact that Zye is so readily shucking his clothes without fear of Jace’s eyes on him is enough to make him happy. Even on nights when they’d be together, as alluring as Zye is, he’d still have this bit of shyness to him.
One that, as adorable as it was, entirely different from the comfortable confidence. Something better. Jace couldn’t ask for more.
Zye lets out a happy little sigh as he wades down into the water up to his waist. “God, it’s ridiculous how good it feels.”
“It’s what air, food, water, and medicine are to us when we’re alive. It should feel wonderful.”
“It does. I could float in here forever.”
Jace chuckles as he slips out of his underwear and sets them aside. He walks down into the water, enjoying the warmth that washes over his skin. “Maybe don’t. Too much of a good thing.”
He’s amused while watching Zye pat his palms against the surface of the water. The little ‘plap plap plaps’ are cute as can be. Jace comes up beside him.
“Having fun?”
“I guess. This is as close to bathing as they can understand, huh?”
“I’m pretty sure Hax is the only one that indulged in how we lived. Maybe Haru did. It’d be interesting to see how they handle living in a world.”
“I think Celeste would rock it.”
Zye laughs as he turns around, splashing his hands down into the water finally. “They’d do great at it. Orion probably would too, but maybe he’d find it a hassle.”
“Isn’t it a hassle sometimes?”
“Yeah…it is.” Zye slinks toward Jace and wraps his arms around Jace’s hips. “I’m starting to think this isn’t so bad. Especially since these waters are special and I don’t have to worry about spilling anything in them.”
Jace smiles and leans forward, up on his tiptoes just enough to kiss Zye’s forehead. “You’re terrible sometimes.”