20XX/10/03 – Evening
239Please respect copyright.PENANAxIJUA0PS3v
„Explain to me why we are taking the stairs again?” Liz huffed as she jumped down another pair of steps. 239Please respect copyright.PENANA6jDKZUzjIM
“Because I hate elevators.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANApZTOcyWFEJ
“But this is the seventh floor!”239Please respect copyright.PENANAIZc9GATI4N
“Correction- This is the fourth floor, we already passed three stories.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAHYJqMUgm2D
“Yes, because you’re running like a maniac!!”239Please respect copyright.PENANAjRQagIs6gB
“A little bit of exercise is good for you, Ms. Glaze. This is effective cardiac training. Especially for someone who spends half their day glued to a chair in front-“ 239Please respect copyright.PENANAUtAnK5jTwk
“Shut up you damn claustrophobe!” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAASKGWz75d8
Leon, who was a few steps ahead of her, turned his head back to her as he continued to run. “Listen, any person who voluntarily sets foot inside a metal box that is held by nothing but a few metal strings and trusts said box to bring them safely to ground level should be declared clinically insane. You’re literally one snap away from falling to your death in a metal-“ 239Please respect copyright.PENANAgyPZ0EEXor
Alerted by his companion’s sudden outcry, Leon’s head snapped back to the front. Just in time for him to come to a screeching halt in front of the old man that had just rounded the corner of the stairs. “Woah, there! Hello good sir, I’m terribly sorry to-“ 239Please respect copyright.PENANASC02iZUwg6
“Youngsters these days, no respect for the elderly.” The old man grunted in disdain. Without a second look at Leon, he stepped aside and swiftly made his way past the other man. He took the steps slowly but with a certain rigor in his pace. While he didn’t look her way as he passed Liz, she couldn’t help feeling like he scrutinized her from the corner of his eyes. For a second she suddenly felt very cold and a shiver went through her body. Leon on the other hand just stood there perplexed. When he finally turned around with his hands on his hips, he huffed in bewilderment. “That- That was rude.” He finally said.
“Well, you almost tackled him to the ground.” The brunette responded unconcerned, continuing her way down. She passed Leon who still seemed to be offended, but soon turned to follow her suit. “He called you a youngster though. That kinda counts as a compliment.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAnuRFb2sE4W
“Excuse me? Are you saying I’m old?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAKA2KmwXLFg
“Well, you’ve certainly been around here longer than me so-“ 239Please respect copyright.PENANAQGaYlh6cKD
“And still it is not me who’s out of breath from a little bit of running.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA8CszypK1ZH
“Whatever you say dinosaur.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAkuKfEHiW4q
Continuing their banter, the two made their way down until they finally reached the door that led outside. The October sun had already begun to set and the streets were tinted in a dim light. It wouldn’t take long until the first lanterns would light up. 239Please respect copyright.PENANA0WtkfFqREM
At least this horrible day will be over soon, but… Liz thought as she looked at Leon’s back in front of her. He was still babbling about something, but she didn’t bother to listen. She thought about what he had told her a few minutes ago. Violet Baynes. Her colleague – who she didn’t even remember. And also, the newest victim of the Paper Cut Killer. She tried to recount the image of the body, Violet’s body, from this morning. A pretty blonde girl, in neat office clothing and make-up – not plain, but also not overly flashy. She had indeed fit the journalist type. What else had Leon told her? Right, something about the cuts and how they seemed to have been inflicted at random. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAeBCmTf8v8o
So, the killer didn’t aim for a specific body part… It sounds more like he was blindly slashing at her. That suggests, what, some kind of anger? Or more like blind rage? So, is he mad at blonde women? Did a barbie crush his pathetic ego or something? Urgh… What does that idiot want me to do here. I’m a journalist, not a fucking profiler! This is not Criminal Minds. I have no idea what’s inside the head of some sick psychopath! Huh- What’s this shadow?
Leon’s face had suddenly entered her field of vision, catching the brunette off guard. After not receiving any reply from her for quite some time, he had stopped walking at some point. Turning back, he had found his companion deep in thought and had deemed leaning down to peer into her face an effective way of getting back her attention. Liz hurriedly took a step back and stared at the officer in exasperation. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAwYkEF34nvE
“Back in the present, Ms. Glaze?” he asked with a grin as he straightened himself up again. Your kneecaps are gonna be a memory of the past if you pull a stunt like that again.
“You know, there are normal ways to call out to someone without invading their personal space.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA7vwqSIxIYx
“Oh, I tried calling out to you several times.”239Please respect copyright.PENANA5DrsHe0UUI
“Well, try harder next time!” Liz grumbled and pushed herself past the chuckling man. “Where are we even going?” she asked him as he closed up beside her again, adjusting his pace to hers. “Oh, you’ll see when we’re there. And don’t worry, I’m not kidnapping you or something.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAJ3QhPnTUqh
Reassuring. “Haah… Fine. What’s the plan then?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAwe3xCuVgtV
“Plan?”239Please respect copyright.PENANAxCcEQ8q3MH
“Well, you asked for my help with the investigation. So, what is it you want me to do? Should I assist in coming up with the killer’s profile? Or do you want my unique journalistic insight on things? I’m pretty good at spotting unusual things, so if you show me the crime scene photographs I might-“239Please respect copyright.PENANAX6kLGHjOFa
The brunette stopped in her tracks, swallowing the rest of the words she had wanted to say. Perplexed, she stared at Leon who had walked a few more steps ahead before stopping. He was still laughing and it didn’t seem like he intended to stop any time soon. 239Please respect copyright.PENANA777zwMANbP
What’s so funny about what I said!? Liz crossed her arms in annoyance, biting her lip. It took all her willpower not to snap at him right now. Not knowing how else to vent her frustration she began to tap her foot in an unsteady rhythm. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAPviR4KYv1G
It couldn’t have been long but she felt like ages had passed until Leon finally calmed down. “I’m sorry… I just need one more second…” he started, visibly out of breath. He ran a hand through his now messy dark blonde hair as he sighed. “I’m afraid you’ve been taken in by a misunderstanding here, Ms. Glaze.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAVcrLvFCsxB
“Oh, really now?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA1KdRmP9oYA
He nodded. “Quite so. Because, I didn’t ask for your help in determining the killer’s identity.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANACIFPA5Ow8Z
Puzzled, she raised an eyebrow. His words didn’t make any sense. What else could she aid him in? Apparently amused by her confusion, Leon’s lips curled up into a sly smile. Liz didn’t know why, but something about the scene unsettled her. Maybe it was the ever faster approaching darkness around them. Or the fact that the alley they were currently in was completely devoid of other people. Or the flickering street lamp behind the officer that gave his blue suit an eerie glow. Liz gulped, trying to shake the rising uneasiness inside of her.
“Come on, ask.” He said with a mischievous undertone in his voice. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAbqFMP2yWMD
“Ask what?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAAzcM36XCEh
Leon took a step towards her, casually slipping his left hand into his pocket. “I’m sure you know what I mean. You’re a smart woman after all Ms. Glaze.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANALPjFqfQ8B3
She gritted her teeth, not wanting to play into his hand. But then again what other choice did she have. “…Fine. What is it you want my help with then?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAQhD8EsFAzz
Obviously pleased with her decision to play along, his smile grew a little wider. “It’s simple really. If I don’t want your help in naming the killer then there’s only one thing you could aid me in.”239Please respect copyright.PENANAbJrxNQTsYk
“And that is?”239Please respect copyright.PENANA73iPTH1qRA
“Apprehending the killer.”
A gust of wind blew through the alley sending her hair aflutter. Liz stared, her eyes wide in shock. “Apprehending- But that means you-“
“Yes. I already know the identity of the Paper Cut Killer.”
Her breath caught in her throat; she didn’t move a muscle. For a moment she thought her ears had played a trick on her. After all there was no way this sad excuse of a cop could have discovered something like that. But the way he was standing there, all smug and confident- Was it possible?
“You’re joking, right?” Silence. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAbthep4Gjcq
“RIGHT??” Silence again. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAHDjb2g2CsX
“…You’re serious.” He nodded. Liz groaned. “You’re telling me, you know who the psycho is that killed five-“ 239Please respect copyright.PENANACfoCM3W6Tf
“Six.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANACR10zUL9RO
“-SIX women and instead of raiding his house and throwing his ass in jail to rot, you want to take me along to, what, pay him a friendly neighborhood visit???”239Please respect copyright.PENANA1z9RIOfBOo
“Well, I actually send him an invitation for a rendezvous with us but-“
By now Liz was screaming. She could see Leon fidgeting in place as he looked around, seemingly worried her yelling would alert someone. But the young woman couldn’t care less about that. She was too worked up in her anger and disbelief at being faced with such downright madness. Ready to let out all her frustration, she took a deep breath. However, Leon didn’t seem all that content with her plan. Closing the last bit of distance between them, he hurriedly placed a hand over her mouth, effectively preventing her from screaming her lungs out. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAmcX9yBRNNy
“Calm down! If someone hears you, we’re gonna have a problem.” He shushed her. Unfortunately, Liz had no intention of listening to him and started struggling in his grasp, kicking left and right. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAJUEr5tLIvs
“Woah! Hey! I’m not trying to, ouch- Goddammit! Alright, alright! I’ll let go! Just, ah- Don’t scream, ok!?”
Not wanting to get hit by another of her kicks, Leon let go of her and jumped away from the brunette. Liz gasped for air for a few seconds before throwing him the iciest glare she could muster. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAfDmuBieYFv
“If looks could kill…” he chuckled nervously as he brought a bit of an additional distance between them. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAb7YAETFsZY
You’d have dropped dead a long time ago.
“So, uhm, how about we continue walking? There’s still quite a way ahead of us.” Leon tried to appease the still fuming woman with a charming smile. However, he was only awarded with the cold shoulder. Seeing as she didn’t show any intention of moving, he stepped to the side, clearing the way for her as he gestured for her to move past him. “Uhm… Please?”239Please respect copyright.PENANAgMipqGWvJD
A discomforted sigh came from the brunette, but she reluctantly followed his request. However, she didn’t pay him any glance or whatsoever as she passed him. And she would keep that attitude for the rest of their walk.
An awkward atmosphere surrounded the two of them as they walked through the city’s empty streets in silence. Leon had tried to start a conversation several times but after only receiving the silent treatment every time, he had seemingly given up on it. Albeit, he still threw her glances every now and then, as if hoping she might change her mind. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAs0QDmPNsWu
She didn’t. 239Please respect copyright.PENANAqlENvg5LLQ
After what seemed like hours Liz started to recognize the streets and houses they passed. A suspicious foreboding feeling started to rise in her stomach. But it wasn’t until they stopped in front of a specific apartment complex, that she realized where exactly they were.
“Well, we’re here.” The man beside her announced.239Please respect copyright.PENANABQUIgKOwzy
“Eh, but this is-“239Please respect copyright.PENANAdavLDhCyin
“You’re home. Yes.”
He turned towards her, his hands in his pockets. By now the day had become night and the moon had long risen in the sky. Its light illuminated Leon’s face allowing for her to see the gentle smile he was giving her.
“How did you know my address?”239Please respect copyright.PENANAEef6WTyYl8
“Read it on your ID this morning.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAubSsROqyzl
Liz shook her head, but couldn’t stop the tiny chuckle from escaping her lips. “Are you sure you’re not a stalker?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAqlsbIf1YTg
He scoffed in pretend offense. “You’re never gonna let this go, will you?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAcdEEWrmT9y
The brunette tilted her head to the side, appearing to be deep in thought for a few seconds. “Hmmm, no. No, I don’t think so.”239Please respect copyright.PENANAzxGvwYY7Xc
“Mean.”239Please respect copyright.PENANABFpFD2z158
“Well, that’s what you get for choosing me as a partner.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAfznwQ8hPYU
Leon perked up at her words. “So, that means you will help me?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA0I9AIzbD0a
“Not like I have a choice here. Meredith will kill me if I don’t, or worse, fire me.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA8SvVfzx3cb
“Some priorities you got there, Ms. Glaze. Who are you, Hermione?” 239Please respect copyright.PENANA4NLeDKKlZN
She shrugged before turning towards the door, as she rummaged through her coat pocket. “Also, you better make sure I don’t get murdered or else I will make sure to haunt your annoying ass forever.”
He laughed and gave her a nod. “Alright, I will come to fetch you tomorrow for our rendezvous.” he said with a wink. With that he turned around, starting to head down the street they had come from. Liz only shook her head as she finally managed to fish out her key. But before she pushed it inside the lock, a question popped up in her mind. Quickly she spun around on her heel. “Leon?” she called out into the night. “You never told me what the point was. Why did we walk all the way here?”
The man stopped in his tracks. Even though he didn’t turn back, he still answered her in a calm voice. “The point? Well, the city’s streets aren’t exactly secure right now, so… I suppose I just wanted to bring you home safely.” 239Please respect copyright.PENANAhdv3saeDMO
With that he continued walking, leaving the perplexed journalist behind. And as Leon quickened his step, disappearing into the darkness of the night, he was smiling.
239Please respect copyright.PENANABgOI6Z86kq
So if you wanna run away239Please respect copyright.PENANAl3CAhrw6CX
Tired of dreaming what it's all about239Please respect copyright.PENANAyQLbWClPyd
And every time you get close239Please respect copyright.PENANApmuEfzl3uX
You try to change, but you choke239Please respect copyright.PENANAGWTMLw1gzt
Don't be afraid to let it go239Please respect copyright.PENANAYtf6CaZ6Q8
Against The Current - Jump
239Please respect copyright.PENANAJaJaFkp1ZD