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  • Contest Holder
    Tenshi no Yami
    Tenshi no Yami
    Well, there's not much other than I really enjoy telling stories and am working on my degree in English with a concentration in Writing. I enjoy several genres but I think Supernatural, Science Fiction, and Manga may be my faves. I also like writing yaoi/slash so don't be surprised if you see that in my showcase either.

    I'm originally on Fiction press but I suppose I could transfer some of those stories to here to get a new outlook... If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I will reply as soon as I am able (/^_^)/

    I look forward to reading everyone's stories!

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  • Challengers
    Challengers Heart & Soul Novels Challengers Ernest_ScribblerChallengers Aserilla1
  • Time Remaining
    Submission Closed
Time Flies

You have been an immortal for a couple of centuries now. Today, you're enjoying a drink a nearby cafe when someone approaches you and says, "Hey, remember me? Peru, 1821?"

You look baffled before realization dons on you.

What happened back in 1821? What's happened up until now? 

This story can be written in first of third person. Write an exciting story with no more 5000 words. Two entries are permitted if the second follows after the first. 

Note: You may not win two places in this contest

​​​​​​​Good luck, everyone!

You have been an immortal for a couple of centuries now. Today, you're enjoying a drink a nearby cafe when someone approaches you and says, "Hey, remember me? Peru, 1821?"

You look baffled before realization dons on you.

What happened back in 1821? What's happened up until now? 

This story can be written in first of third person. Write an exciting story with no more 5000 words. Two entries are permitted if the second follows after the first. 

Note: You may not win two places in this contest

​​​​​​​Good luck, everyone!