Hey👋guys I'm working on a book 📖called when the moon 🌃comes up the into 😎is out but not the story yet...! 🙃Its a werewolf🐺 story about a 17 year old called izzy 🤗finding out she is a werewolf 🐺now this is a horror👻 so it's PG 🙀I personally wouldn't recommend it to anyone under 12🙈🙉 but thats my personal opinion 👽it also has quite a bit of romance 😘near the end and middle...well from what I'm planning there is its gonna be about 6k 😮words so like 2k more than my last book! 🤓This book is going to be completely spell checked🤐 and a lot easier to read 📖and or tell wich character is speaking📞! Here is the tag 📲so you can check out the intro (it's pretty bad) or when it's done check out the full book!😎 #When the moon comes up... - By KaylaRP