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Those Who Are Strong Dare to Believe


Hi everyone. My name is Ann. Please leave comments and as for critique if it's constructive by all means share if it's not I would rather you keep it to yourself. Thanks now go enjoy the first chapter 


Chapter 1*Morning Sept. 30th*

The Journal of Michael Sinclair

I'm a Nephilim. My father is a fallen son of heaven and my mother a daughter of earth, so it is for all of our kind. We are considered semi devine yet God has deemed us a product of sin and therefore banished to earth with no rights to enter heaven.

It seemed however God's archangel Gabriel had another plan for us. When I say that keep in mind I have no fondness or love  for the angels so the plan can be described in one word and that is genocide. I have no choice but get myself into a situation where I'm forced to trust angels which win fairness I don't do I'm the slightest. I have spent countless centuries fighting Gabriel and his angelic army and then for reasons unknown to us still to this very day Gabriel decides he wants us under his control. He came up with a treaty that was more take then give but I use the term treaty very loosely. 

What were we to do he was going to kill us one by one? So here we are. When it was close to the signing of the treaty I gathered the millions of leaders who also of course had a lot to loose. They all agreed but very reluctantly and that went for me as well. We all realize we have no choice in the matter. We met in a place in between dimensions as bleak and as barren as we all felt and we got on with the process of signing and left."


I put my journal into my bag and I take out my paper to read. Before I start reading I realize why I love coming to this cafe and it's because it never fails to amaze me how oblivious people are to their surroundings and the people around them. Though I must admittedly say something different and unique happened today which surprised me. 

I happened to look up from my paper and in comes the most beautiful raven haired woman I've ever seen she was wearing jeans and and soft white tunic I can't help but smile slightly she's very ethereal looking. I know I've seen her somewhere before but I cannot place from where. I put my paper down and I watch her. She is one of us I recognize the energy she radiates she is most definitely Nephilim and she comes from the city yet why haven't I sensed her before. This situation is new to me I realize I really could use Raphael's help right now.

 I don't share Raphael's ability to get into another's mind gently. I reach out and there's no doubt that I'm their mind. For Raphael it is a much apart of him as breathing. It's as if he does it without even knowing he's doing it.

I reached out to Raphael I receive a few choice words emblazed in my brain. I'm assuming he was with a woman but as I keep telling him through the mellenia duty calls whether you want him to or not. 

To describe Raphael is impossible he's so many things at once that I don't know where to start. The way I describe him at times is the exact same way they described Lord Byron,"He's mad, bad, and dangerous to know". Simply put he's an extreme walking living agent of chaos. 

He is my polar opposite but having said that you won't find a more loyal friend. He's been by my side for mellenia. We've fought in countless battles and he's been my protector dear friend and my brother. Though I admit the man can even cause the saints to contemplate homicide.

*Raphael's POV*

I keep my eyes closed hoping that would keep Michael's thoughts at bay so I don't have to wake up. After 5-10 mins. I realize that it's not any easy endeavor. I stretch a bit and reach my hand over I feel nothing but a piece of paper. It's a note from Ronnie. 


Good morning Rafe,

I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye. I had to get up early for work and I do know how you hate being woken up. I am still laughing at that poor guy last night man he had no idea what hit him. You're a man who lives up to his word, you promised me a good time and you delivered. Hope we can do it again soon.



*End  of note*

Ronnie now there's a woman for you we well most defetnetly have to do that again sometime and preferably sooner then later

I must admit I'm not at my best in the morning so it's a good thing she left before waking up. Could be because I'm up most of the night. I just hope there's a very good reason Michael woke me up this early. There's a saying mortals have "There's no rest for the wicked". Well it's time to hit the shower and get dressed.

*30 mins. Later*

I grab my favourite Crimson shirt and black jeans as I slip on my shoes and start to sing a song I haven't sang in over 300 years. It brings back so many memories.

*The song The Parting Glass*

"Of all the money that e'er I had. I spent it in good company. And all the harm I've ever done. Alas, it was to none but me.

So fill to me the parting glass and drink to health what ere befalls gently rise and softly call goodnight and good health be to you all..."

*end of song*

While humming I grab my wallet and keys and head to the doors and Grab the the rose on the table by the doors I inhale the scent and smile. It's a white rose with crimson edges and the woman who created the hybrid decided to name it after me. I take it and proceed downstairs. I know exactly who I'm giving this rose to.

I arrive to the entrance floor and there is Ann looking at her computer screen. I can tell she's about to take the computer and throw in any general direction. I walk up to her " Good morning Ann my my if looks could kill". She looks up and her face I notice softens. "Good morning Raphael it's this damn computer it's getting on my last nerve. Hey isn't it a bit early for you to be showing your face?"

 She has a beautiful smile and when she blushes my heart skips a beat. " It is my dear it really is but I have people to see things to do. I brought something with me that might cheer you up. I pull the rose I grabbed from around my back "a beautiful rose for a beautiful woman. It's called Raphael. She looks at it and reaches out and touches the petals and takes it. Thank you Raphael it's beautiful" I wink and walk out the door. As I go outside I turn around and wave goodbye. I feel her increased heart rate I can tell she's interested. 

It's an early fall day. It's warm and a few leaves have started to fall. I take a deep breath and put my fedora on. I start walking and look around there are so many beautiful women and who after two minutes of walking should I run into. It's the Chaplain twins. "Hello beautiful" they both smile and say in unison," Hello Raphael" "Ladies how are you this morning?" "We're fine." 

They have long flowing black hair down to their waist the greenest eyes they look like liquid emeralds. Beautiful pale skin and lips that taste like dew. " I'm sorry but I'm in a bit of a hurry I'll call you later" " we're counting on it" I give them both a kiss and turn to leave I walk a few feet and turn to wave at them and keep walking and who should pop into my head but Michael himself. "Raphael are you on your way this is important?" 

"You wake me up this hellish hour the least you can do is let me enjoy the view" "I saw your view and we don't have time for your your messing around so hurry" I let out a sigh. "Michael I'm 15 minutes away relax"

*Carmen's POV*

I'm on my second cup of coffee and it's 8:30am. I've been awake since 5:00am writing my lecture. I'm nervous as hell my lecture is in a couple of days and I still have so much work to do. 

I need to get out and grab some fresh air I feel like my mind is about to implode. I know of this beautiful café a block from my brownstone. What a better way to relax and get this done. 

I get up drink the last of the coffee and stretch while looking out my window it's a beautiful late summer morning my window was open during the night a nice summer breeze blows across my face. It's time for a shower and getting dressed.

*40 min. Later*

I put on my jeans my white converse shoes. I'm wearing a beautiful white tunic a friend of mine gave me for my birthday last year. I like it. It has angel wings hand sewn in silver thread. I brush my hair and leave it down. Time to pack up the computer my books and get out of here. I am trying to decide what book to take and I come across Michael Sinclaire's book called Benei Elokim. He signed it for me a couple of weeks ago. His writing is incredible. He wrote a book based solely on the history of the Nephilim. 

It is so amazing he writes as if he's seen them first hand. His book is really helping me I hope maybe one day I'll get to thank him. I remember I was in a hurry I had a meeting with Father Allan I wanted so bad to speak to him but all I had time for was goodbye and thank you for signing. I start to pick up my notes,my book, and laptop.Well now I'm packed and ready to go. I see the picture of mom out of the corner of my eye I stop and kiss the frame. I grab my necklace that is hanging around my statue of Uriel my mother gave me. She told me that means more then I well ever know. I pick up her picture,"Mom I miss you so much I wish you were here I hope I make you proud" I put the frame back down my desk and take a final look around to make sure everything is unplugged and windows are closed laptop, keys, wallet yes got it all satisfied I head out the door.

What a beautiful day I stand on the bottom stair that's outside the entrance and breathe the sweet smelling air. I got the feeling today is going to be good day. I start walking with a smile on my face and I can't explain the mood I'm in. After about 5 minutes a man that I must admit was gorgeous with dark hair and a goatee walked past and stopped to talk to a couple of girls I pass them and he looks up his eyes my god he had the bluest eyes. He looks back at the women and I keep walking man he does have his A game going far be it for me to put a damper on his game 10 minutes later I arrive at the café looking forward to getting some work done.

I walk inside and John greets me the same jovial smile as always,"Good morning Carmen it has been a long time since last I saw you." "I know it's been awhile work has been keeping me busy but today I decided to bring work with me" "Well whatever the reason you're here I'm glad to see you." "Thank you could you make me a dirty chai?" "Of course go sit down and I'll bring it you" I smile and luckily enough I find my favourite seat empty by the bay windows. John comes and puts down my dirty chai, "thank you John" I look up and happen to see Mr. Sinclaire. I take deep breath this is my chance to thank him talk about luck considering I was thinking about him before I left. I get up and walk over to his table. "Excuse me Mr. Sinclaire?" 

*Michael's POV*

I hear someone say my name I look up from my paper and there she is in front of me. " Yes can I help you?" My name is Carmen Hernandez I'm glad I finally get a chance to properly thank you" I look into her eyes and it just now dawned me where I'd seen her. She was at my book signing and asked me to sign her copy of Benei Elokim. "Ms. Hernandez a pleasure to meet you" I take her hand in mine the surge of energy is strong it radiates down her arm into my fingers. I keep a calm appearance and let her hand go. "Your book has been invaluable in my research and for that I thank you speaking of which I need to get back to work have a nice day" "You too" She turns and walks away to sit down. Raphael I notice has been truly enjoying the view I'm surprised he's made it at all. Now that he's finally here maybe we now can find out the truth about her.

*Rapheal's POV*

I have arrived and I can sense Michael's tension it's like walking into a brick wall head first. 

*Telepathy between Michael & Raphael*

"Raphael nice of you to make it" "Yeah ok message received what is going on?" "Look she's sitting at the bay window and you'll have to answer your own question I honestly do not know." "You want me to turn on the Raphael charm""Yes something to that effect just find as much as you can without being to evasive. "Ok well do" 

*end of telepathy*

I walk up to John, "Good morning John" "Ahh Raphael you're up early this morning" "That I am, if I had my own way I'd still be in bed" "I am meeting someone I'll have what she's having and an Earl Grey" " Coming up". " Raphael you and me are due a drink and a talk like the old days it has been far to to long". He smiles with a twinkle in his eye and I can't help but smile the man is 60 with the soul of a 20 year old, "My dearest John you are so right it has been far to long. Just pick a day and time and we'll get together and have that drink and talk which we both know what that well lead to it'll lead to me carrying you home per usual" I wink and we both laugh. John is my best mortal friend no he's more then a friend he's the closest thing to a father I have. I really look up to him. Our link is a quite unusual. I start to drift off into my own thoughts while waiting. 

I remember 20 years ago as if it was yesterday. It was October 31st a brisk fall Halloween evening. Michael usually went on his patrols alone but this time he asked me to go with him. I told him that of course I'd go with him but one thing ran through my mind and that was one simple thing why? Why after all these years of patrolling alone does he want me to follow him? Needless to say I did and I was glad that I did. We came to the corner of Maple Leaf and Pine there was a park across the street he told me he'd cover the park and for me to take Maple Street. I did what I was told I walked for about 20 minutes before having ran into 4 demons who where obviously up to no good. I walked up to them and thought to myself,"Hello gentleman. Now now what are we up to?" I got inside their filthy little minds and that was and still is a disgusting place to be.

 After having dug around inside their heads I know they each had daggers and vials of poison so it was pretty obvious what they were up to murder and lots of it it would seem by the amount of poison they had with them. I compelled them to put the vials and daggers at my feet all the while I had my wings spread out and my hand ready to burn them into charcoal if they had so much as looked at me the wrong way. I kept my eyes on them and they surged with an amazing amount of energy. 

They had a look of fear in their face not something you would have thought you'd see in a demons face. "Look half breed LEAVE!!!!! do not interfere or you well regret it!" I at this point was willing to let them go but one of them made the mistake of having called me a halfbreed. I went on pure chaotic instinct I growled and grabbed one of them by the neck and pushed him towards a tree. I was literally snarling "You call me a half breed and here I was prepared to let you go. That was soooo stupid" I started to breathe heavy and I looked into his eyes,"I think you owe me an apology" I snarled. "screw you half breed". I remember thinking his stupidity knew no bounds. I pulled him forward and said," you just made your last mistake" 

My chaotic nature took over and I wasn't thinking I put my hands on either side of his and proceeded to separate his head from his body. I held his head up and the rest of them just scattered in the wind. I shook my head it was so disgusting demons are vile creatures. I dropped his head and his body and head had just vaporised along with any sign of them being there. I looked at the poison and daggers they were about to do a hit on not on just one person but several. All I need to do was just go back with Michael and try to figure out who. I packed the vials and daggers into a bundle and used magic to get them to Michael's office. I would've left with them if it hadn't been for Michael's voice in my head," Rafe park NOW!!" The urgency in his voice was enough to make me react in an instant. I appeared in the park and I heard Michael,"Rafe over here!" I ran over to Michael," what's happened?" "It's a demon attack" "I've had my own run in as well damn I hate Halloween." "That's not all Rafe." I looked at him and noticed in his eyes happiness tainted with worry. "What do you mean?" It was then I noticed a man in Michael's arms who he's healed. He looked up at me,"Do you remember Hugh's dieing words?" 

At this point I was confused but I answered Michael," Of course I do. He said we need not worry that someday he'd return" " Well Rafe he has" "What?!" "This is the reincarnated soul of Brother Hugh, he has returned." I remember I just fell to my knees,"How? Are you sure?"" Yes, I sense Hugh's soul. He is reincarnated let's bring him back with us" we took him back and that's when I realised it was John and what I had done 60 years ago worked I found him

Rafe hey Rafe I snap out of it, "What? Oh I'm sorry I was lost in thought" I see John smile, " That you were my son here take your drinks before they get cold." I reach out for the cups and John reaches and grabs my arm and gives it a squeeze it's something he's always done I find it so endearing, "John call me and we'll get together" I smile and turn to leave the counter & walk over to the Lovely woman that's holding Michael's interest.

*Carmen's P.O.V*

This lecture is going to seriously be the death of me. I only have two days before I need to get it done and three days before the actual lecture it's giving me a migraine. I close my laptop and rub my temples after a few seconds I open my eyes and who do I see the very good looking guy I passed earlier. He stops beside my table and puts down a cup in front of me. I'm thinking that's a bit presumptuous but none the less I'm greatful because my cup was empty for what seems like hours ago. I look up into the most incredibly blue eyes. I gaze into his eyes, "I thought you might need a refill I hope you don't mind." To be truthful I found it a but odd but my tired brain decided not to resist which is very unlike me when I'm approached by strangers but his eyes look kind an I'm in no position to say no to another Dirty Chai. "Do you mind if I join you the place is packed" 

I look around and good lord I must've really been into my work because I really hadn't noticed the place fill up. I look back to the man before me and smile,"You can join me on one condition you tell me your name". He tilts his head down and smiles,"I'm so sorry my manners were obviously left by the wayside my name is Raphael". He puts his tea cup down and reaches out his hand. I look at it and put my hand in is. I have to admit despite the fact it's not in my nature to think this about men I just met I find Raphael very beautiful ok I have to stop sheesh,"Hello Raphael I'm Carmen please sit down" 

*Raphael's P.O.V*

Carmen tells me to sit down and I do. She's very sharp and witty I sense a challenge but nothing I can't handle. I sit down a take sip of my tea. "If you don't mind me saying you look at your wits end" she keeps typing for a few seconds and then her eyes meet mine when they do that's when I gently enter her mind. Her thoughts are very focused but she's under an enormous amount of stress. "To be honest Raphael I am. I have till tomorrow to finish writing a lecture and and the lecture is of course tomorrow evening. So at my wits end is a great way to describe how I feel about now." "Then perhaps your refill well help" I notice her look over and a slight smile fall upon her lips and it is a beautiful smile I must admit but alas I'm here to figure her out not to hit on her. She's so incredibly beautiful not hitting on her is proving very difficult. "Tell me Raphael do you make it a habit of buying coffee for women who are complete strangers?" I can sense the smile in her voice "Only the beautiful ones Carman, now drink before it gets cold"

*Carman's P.O.V*

It is so obvious Raphael is flirting with me lets just say he's not doing much to make it not obvious I don't think the word subtle could be used to describe him actually. I look at him and smile this kind of behavior makes me usually just want to leave but for some reason I stay and to be honest oddly enough I am enjoying this. At times I'm sure I'll have to remind him not all women well fall to his feet but at the same time it's been a long time since I've had this kind of attention. He indirectly called me beautiful I see a slight smile on his face as he puts his teacup down. "Raphael something you find amusing?" "Yes actually" "Mind sharing what that might be?" "You're cheeks are extremely flush and well it isn't that warm in here" he winks and this point I am thinking right now I wish there was someone outside digging a hole so I could go lay down in it. "

"you persume to much I actually find it quite warm in here" I drink my chai and I can't help but start to laugh I don't know in all honesty why I did probably because I just realized how my last statement sounded. "OK I'd better stop this is on the verge of being extremely awkward" I keep laughing and Raphael's laugh how can I describe it he has a laugh that is throaty very deep starts out as a bit of a giggle and the more laughs it changes character.

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I can't help but laugh at her being flustered it's adorable. I can now understand why Michael finds her so attractive. She's charming she puts me to shame. I look discreetly over at Michael who is smiling and shaking his head all of a sudden something in her mind screams out to me but it can't be it doesn't make sense. Her mind is literally covered with I guess you could describe it as a haze actually. What is this? 

 I dig  deeper and all of a sudden I hit a wall it feels like a car hitting a tree at 100 MPH in other words my head starts to pound. Michael looks up at me and puts his paper down I'm going to have to sever this connection my head I can't focus anymore this is so odd why does she have angel magic in her it's poison to us and to her no this can't be. I let go of her mind all the while keeping a calm face. "Raphael are you OK you seem a bit out of it?" "Yes, I'm fine just got a headache twinge I'll be fine with more tea" "Let me get it for you Raphael"

*Carmen's P.O.V*

I notice Raphael zoning out a bit he almost looks in pain I ask if he's OK he says he's fine just a slight headache. I know that feeling all to well headaches seems to be a norm in my life this past month they've been getting worse so I figured I'd top off his tea for him poor thing. I get up to get his tea and look of my shoulder he's rubbing his temples. "John would you mind making another Earl Grey?" "Of course not dear" 

*Raphael's P.O.V*

I watch her as she gets up to get me another tea. I need to tell Michael quickly 


"Michael she has angel magic in her and to put it simply it's on the verge of killing her if we don't something. She doesn't know but so far the Nephilim in her has been keeping the poisonous effect somewhat at bay but that won't help her much longer she well need our help" I hear a slight growl in my mind "I know what this is finish up and then we'll talk."

*end of telepathy*