So today has been a very crappy day and it's only 9:25 in the morning. Here's a small list. (some of this stuff is from yesterday but I feel like it needed to be added)
-I forgot to put on a scarf (it's like 8 degrees which is cold here)
- I tripped on the bus
- I left a youtube video open and it played in the middle of my science class (on a really loud volume)
- I spilt water all over my textbook
- My laptop got rid of half of the coding I did for a game (which needs to be done in 9 days)
-Our school app stopped working so I had to dig the paper version out of my bag
-Some dude rickrolled me
- the hotdog I made nearly exploded in the microwave ( idea)
-I turned off the wrong light then had to turn it on again to put on shoes
- I made an impulse buy and forgot to tell my mother (it's coming today) she's going to murder me.
- I walked around with my fly open and only realised 4th period
-my favourite pair of earrings broke