Guys we talk often and I really like him but in no way shape or form does he like me like that and you know how I know?? It is because I am close enough to him that he asks me for RELATIONSHIP ADVICE, guys he has a crush on someone in one of his classes and he won't tell me who it is because he doesn't want to jinx things, but he also isn't going to date her if she asks him out, because HE ISNT GOING TO DATE ANYONE UNTIL HIS JUNIOR YEAR, and at this point, I no longer care, I am just like well I want to know who it is, spill the tea sis, I want to know because I am invested in his love like and all the dram that has ensued because of it, and no it isn't because I like him, its because I was invested before I liked him, and now I can un-invest myself #sendhelp, because he snapped her and she just hasn't responded and I am just sitting here with the, well have you spoken to her in person yet? "No" WHAT like he hasn't spoken to her in person at all and so on her end of things it's just some dude in one of the classes that have literally never talked to her, is out of the blue snapping her like HUH. Sorry guys I am way too invested for this lol ok I am gonna go now but anyways love yourselves always
and REMEMBER to always stay positive, (until provoked, then go beat someone up if the time calls for it)